The Next Day

Majesty sneaks to Ciel's door to hear that he called Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Baldroy.

Ciel Phantomhive calls Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Baldroy to do a special job for him: take a picture of Sebastian with a unique camera that shows the being most valued to the person photographed. They test it out with Finnian, and see a small bird in the photo. Tanaka then explains that the photograph shows something special to the person that is "not of this world." The servants agree eagerly, excited to see who Sebastian cares most about, and curious if he has a flaw.

"Wait how are you guys gonna get an picture of Sebastian tho?" Majesty appeared out of no where scaring them.

"My Lady, please stop doing that!" Finnian exhaled in relief.

"Yeah, we are going to try to get an photo of Sebastian...but we-" Baldroy was explaining before an light bulb appears over his head.

Majesty tilted her head but than she realized and shook her head.
"Uh Uh Uh Uh!" Majesty sounded like Scooby-Doo.

"Come on Majesty! It will be worth it!" Mey-Rin tries to persuade Majesty who gave in defeat and nodded.

They attempt to take the photo, but Sebastian cleverly avoids all of their attempts. He then approaches them and orders them to move Pluto out of sight, so as to not offend that evening's guest. When he steps out of the room, it is shown the reason for this task is merely to prevent them from bothering him. Their attempts to lead Pluto away from the manor, though, go awry.

Majesty laughed but was wheezing as she was exhausted.

Sebastian takes note of that, and sees Sébastien walking by, which he caresses. Envious, Pluto returns to his human form, throws Sébastien, and clings to Sebastian.

"HEY YOU DOG!!" Majesty crossed her arms as Pluto just stared at her blankly.
Majesty chuckled micheviously as she picked Pluto up and threw him.
"AND STAY OUT!!" Majesty grabbed Sébastien and babied him as she dragged Sebastian inside.
"HOW DARE YOU LET PLUTO THROW MY POOR BABY LIKE THAT!! LOOK AT HIM!!! HE LOOKS HURT!!" Majesty gestures to Sébastien who was dramatically meowing in pain.

"My Lady-" Sebastian gets cut off by Majesty slapped him.

"NEXT TIME MY SÉBASTIEN IS THROWN I SHALL GET FINNIAN TO THROW YOU ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!" Majesty threatened leaving Sebastian who just bowed apologizing.

the servants show their failed photos, apologize and offer an alternate plan, but Ciel refuses to let them use flamethrowers. Lau enters and offers to help Ciel take the photo. Ciel accepts, but it is then revealed that Lau actually does not know what Ciel needs help with.

Sebastian welcomes the evening's guest, Paul Jones from the Brit Business Company, who is distracted when he sees Ran-Mao. However, it fails to distract Sebastian.

"RAN-MAO! COME PLAY WITH ME!!" Majesty drags Ran-Mao from the photo scene as everyone kinda knew that probably wouldn't work.

Jones attempts to ask Tanaka about the Funtom Corporation, but Sebastian answers the questions. Jones tries to take a picture to go with the article, but Sebastian declines.

That evening, Ciel unveils his latest plan: having Finnian throw statues at him, forcing Sebastian to come to his aid. Sebastian pauses long enough for Mey-Rin and Baldroy to take the photo, and comments that Ciel should have just ordered him to stand for it, but Ciel pretends not to know what he is talking about.

Majesty snickered as she forgot Ciel could've did that.

While the servants try to develop it, Pluto enters the room and blows fire on them, ruining the photo, on Sebastian's orders. He goes to bring Ciel to bed, but finds he is already sleeping. While he is sleeping, Sebastian takes a photo of Ciel, and it is shown that the person Ciel cares about most, who is also "not of this world," is Sebastian. The photo, however, confuses the staff, as Pluto is also present, making them wonder who it is that Sebastian cares for, as they assume he is of this world.

At breakfast, Sebastian teases Ciel for this, telling him that he is "honored," and Ciel tells the "bastard" to "shut up."

"Aw Ciel! You care for Sebastian! That's so sweet!" Majesty teased along with Sebastian as Ciel just groans as he tells them both to "shut up" again.

"Wait it's your turn Majesty!" Finnian comes with the camera.

" I rather not!" Majesty went to go hide.

Few Minutes Later they managed to get the photo but was confused as there was four people in the photo.

"Who are they?" Ciel examines the whole photo to see an Pudding head boy, with an Rooster hair boy along with two cats that looks like the Pudding & Rooster hair guys.

"I don't know Master." Sebastian answered Ciel who flicked the photo on the table.
"they must be old  Acquaintances." Sebastian knew who they were but realizes that they aren't from this world meaning Majesty can do magic somehow.

Majesty is playing with Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Baldroy around the mansion happily.
To Be Continued

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