Majesty wakes up with Sebastian still cuddling with her.
"I'm surprised you stayed longer." Majesty stretched yawning.

"My Lady, you are very strong in your sleep you wouldn't let me go even if I managed to escape you would start to cry and I just stayed right here." Sebastian went an full on Explanation.

" I guess you didn't get anything ready?" Majesty scratches the back of her head giggling nervously.

"Actually I did, I quickly put Young Master in here with you while I prepare everything but as soon as I had one thing to do it seemed that Young Master woke up and got ready for the day and left you sleeping but you woke up shortly and started crying and I sighed and just stayed here while you were sleeping." Sebastian says where Majesty was full out dumbfounded.

"Right..." Majesty raises an eyebrow confused as something rubs against her leg.
"AH SÉBASTIEN! Where have you been? I barely see you around." Majesty chuckled as Sébastien meowed while getting picked up by the girl.
"Sebastian, prepare Sébastien food and water bowl please while I get ready." Majesty requested as Sebastian bowed and left as you sat Sébastien on your bed.

Okay if you all wondered what Sébastien looks like here ya go.

Okay if you all wondered what Sébastien looks like here ya go

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Now Continue on with the story.

Majesty changed into her daily dress.

"Sébastien, Don't you think Sebastian is an great outfit chooser?" Majesty asked Sébastien who was just grooming himself

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"Sébastien, Don't you think Sebastian is an great outfit chooser?" Majesty asked Sébastien who was just grooming himself.
Majesty walks with Sébastien to the dining room as Sébastien went to his food and water but Sebastian quickly serves everything.
"Sebastian what's wrong?" Majesty questions.

"We have to leave soon, so I must quickly prepare and finish everything." Sebastian answered as Majesty quickly ate her breakfast and Sébastien finished his breakfast as they are now rushed in the carriage.

They all arrive at Ciel's London townhouse, where they find Angelina Dalles, Lau, and Grelle Sutcliff looking for tea.

"AH MY NEPHEW AND NEICE AND MY...OTHER NEPHEW!!!" Madam Red quickly hugged them choking every single one.

"Majesty, please go with Sébastien outside and play." Ciel demanded with an calm voice as Majesty nodded taking Sébastien and herself outside.

With Ciel

They sit down and discuss the Jack the Ripper murders while enjoying tea served by Sebastian. Lau decides he would like to visit the crime scene.
they go see Undertaker to learn more. They learn that the murders were committed with such accuracy that only a medical professional could know how to do it. Because the organs were removed, they suspect that the murderer is using them in black magic rituals.

Sebastian leaps out of the moving carriage to compile a list of suspects and greets Ciel, Lau, Angelina, and Grelle back at the manor, where he explains his findings. He has narrowed the suspects down to one man, Aleister Chamber, who is holding a party that evening. They decide to go to the party to investigate closer.

"Great, Bring Majesty & Sébastien home." Ciel ordered as Sebastian quickly nodded and brought Majesty home.

At the party

Ciel has dressed up as a girl in disguise, lest a young, one-eyed boy be recognized as Ciel Phantomhive. They spot Elizabeth Midford there and go to great efforts to avoid her.

In order to get closer to Aleister, Ciel and Sebastian dance, which attracts Aleister's attention. Sebastian takes his leave, so he can speak privately with Aleister. While talking, Elizabeth takes notice, and attempts to come over, but Sebastian stops her, by pretending he was hired as a magician. He gets Lau to help him, and they put on a magic show, while Ciel and Aleister slip away.

In another room, Aleister drugs Ciel with a gas, which knocks him out. When he awakes, he finds himself tied up and blindfolded in a room where Aleister is auctioning him off. Thinking this is proof enough, Ciel calls for Sebastian who comes to his aid. As he has already called the Scotland Yard, Sebastian carries him away from the manor.

The following morning's paper, though, shows that another killing has happened, meaning Aleister, who was at the party all last night, cannot be the murderer.

"Sebastian, bring Majesty inside." Ciel ordered as Sebastian went and did what he ordered only for Sébastien to run to Sebastian quickly jumping on his leg yowling.

Sebastian eyes widen as he and Sébastien rushed back to Ciel.
"Young Master, Majesty has been kidnapped!" Sebastian reported to Ciel who eyes widen.

"Find her! Now!" Ciel demanded.

With Majesty
"...Grelle? Is that have an weird hair color but it's pretty. It's like my Auntie's hair..." Majesty shuts up after she sees Madam Red walking in the room.
"A-Auntie..." Majesty was shaking scaredly as Madam Red gets closer to her.

"You...." Madam Red was barely talking as she had an gun in her hands.
"YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!" Madam Red aims the gun at Majesty as there is an click with screams filled in the air.
To Be Continued

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