|| Chapter 56 || Truth

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Edited 06.14.23


You groan. The first thing you notice is the way your body aches and it instantly reminds you that this is the feeling of your magic being low, but at least this dull pain isn't as bad as every time you would use your anti-aging spell. That's a plus, right? You're conscious - Well, you're conscious now, although the world seems to be rather slow as your mind fights to fully wake up from whatever deep night's sleep you had just 'enjoyed' (which might be a strong word considering you don't feel you've gotten any sleep, quite the opposite).


Your eyes then snap open. Pushing yourself off the ground, you look to your side a bit too quickly, almost losing your balance as everything around you seems to swirl. Why is everything so dizzy? It feels like you've recently drowned yourself in several glasses of noble pursuit (not that you'd know what that's like or anything).

Luckily for you, Link's right by your side, reaching out to grab your shoulders and keep you steady. Once seeing that you're finally awake, he lets go of a breath that he's been holding for seemingly hours, yet his worried expression doesn't fade.

"...Link? What are you doing here?"


Within your dazed state, it feels as if you go through a whirlwind of emotions in no time flat. At first you had smiled slightly when seeing him, but then your gaze began to drift around the room which is when you noticed this definitely isn't your home in Hateno. It's pretty dark and gloomy in here, and as your eyes return to Link again, you're quick to notice the material of his tunic shows signs of having been burnt on the very surface.

The memory of him being hit by a splash of magic suddenly races back into your memory, giving you a start, "Oh my Hylia - Are you okay?!"

"Am I o - What about you?!" Link fusses in disbelief, brushing off your worries while helping you sit up a little straighter. Without thinking, he begins combing a hand through your hair, checking for any signs of blood or injury. He's relieved to see nothing, although he remains concerned about something internal especially given your current behavior. He should be the one with memory issues, not you!

"What do you mean...?" It's true that everything still feels fuzzy to you, your mind taking its sweet time catching up with current events.

"You grabbed Cody from behind, remember? To do your spell-thingy? Then it looked like you just...fainted. I barely caught you in time and even then I was worried you still might've hit your head. You wouldn't wake up for a good minute -"

"- CODY!" You cut Link off once finally remembering, grabbing the front of his tunic for support while trying to wobble to stand on your shaky legs, "I got to him, Link! I-I was able to get into his mind and it's been Ganon this whole time! Ganon's been the whole who took over Cody's mind and used him to cause the Calamity -"

"- W-What? Slow down, I don't get it. Ganon? But how -?" Link shakes his head, not sure what to make of your rushed explanation. You don't give him much time to ask questions, though. You instead echo him out while scanning the room desperately until your eyes fall upon your brother lying limp against the stone ground only a few feet away, his back facing you both.

You stumble towards him, still ignoring Link's attempts at getting you to 'take it easy' and 'hold on'. You don't care about any of that, honestly. You manage to escape Link's hold, collapsing beside your brother who you then scoop into your arms and turn to get a good look at his face.

Link kneels by your side, noticing how still the young boy appears with his only movement being his head falling back when you first lift him up. You notice this as well and waste no time placing a hand on his forehead, prepared to try checking his mind again in worry that the spell might have failed, however before you can do so, there's a loud 'snap' that sounds throughout the room.

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