|| Chapter 10 || Playing With Ice and Electricity

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Edited 03.04.23

Link tiredly opens his eyes, staring blankly at the blue ceiling above. He can't sleep. He's freezing even inside the inn and the blanket he had been provided does nothing to help (not that he thought it would, given how thin it is). Even his bed itself offers little comfort, being just a slab of smooth yet hard crystal. Either way, he finds himself lying around lazily while listening to the loud padder of rainfall outside which proves that Vah Ruta hadn't stopped spewing water yet.

Realizing he likely won't be able to fall back to sleep, he sits up and stretches before looking over to the other bed across from his own. There, you look rather comfy yourself, one arm thrown over head and the other over your chest. Despite your blanket poorly covering your body, you still snore quietly without stirring.

Link assumes you're able to sleep in such conditions so peacefully due to your background. You've probably been forced to make camp in some pretty unfavorable areas across Hyrule, sleeping on enough tough surfaces to just end up losing your will to care, although your deep slumber right now could also be because of whatever late hour you went to bed at. When he turned in for the night, you claimed you weren't tired yet and wanted to walk around the Domain, so he left you to your own devices. Who knows what time you actually returned to the inn.

Quietly as to not disturb anyone else sleeping, Link slips his tunic over his undershirt, puts on his boots, and fixes the blanket over you before exiting the inn. Throwing his cloak over head, he shivers at the cold wind and looks up at the sky which he's sure would be dark even without the storm clouds given this early hour.

Even the Zoras are asleep leaving the Domain to silence and darkness aside from the light that radiates off of Princess Mipha's statue which still stands tall and proud the same way her people have tried to during these hard times.

It's strange to think that only a day ago, Link had no clue who Mipha was. Now, he has memories filled with her. From the two of them standing side-by-side silently observing their other friends bicker to them sitting on top of Vah Ruta alone while enjoying the amazing view of Hyrule. These memories, no matter how old, seem fresh in his mind as if they had just happened yesterday.

Walking up to the statue, Link stares at her peaceful face then gazes around at the calmness of the Domain. This was Mipha's beloved home in which she died to protect. She knew things were dangerous during the sorcerer's rampage, however that didn't stop her from rushing to protect her people and the rest of Hyrule; a cause she lost her life to. It was a great and noble sacrifice the Zoras have never forgotten and Link, himself, hopes to never forget again.

Mipha died when she went inside Vah Ruta. There must've been something truly dangerous in there if it managed to kill a Champion - something that could still remain all these years later. Whatever it is, Link needs to put an end to it so that he can not only use Ruta to fight the sorcerer, but to also avenge Mipha, allowing her to finally rest without having to worry about her people's safety.

Making his way back to the inn, Link finds a pen and paper to scribble down a quick note on. Once the note is done, he carefully places it beside you.

From what he has heard and remembered thus far, Champions were strong warriors who could handle themselves well in battle. If Mipha and all the others lost their lives entering their Divine Beasts, that means the danger inside must not be a simple bokoblin or lizalfos. With that said, he doesn't want to risk leading you to death's door, too. This is his responsibility, after all. He's the one who failed to stop the Calamity a hundred years ago. He's the only Champion left to still fight. He has to do this even if alone.

I went to fight Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Don't worry, I'll use the shock arrows and follow your plan. I'll be careful and see you when I get back. 

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