|| Chapter 39 || Returning the Flavor

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Edited 05.06.23

It isn't easy work getting from the west side of Hyrule to the east. While Link would've thought the quickest path would be to cut in front of the Castle, you hadn't hesitated to correct him since the area's apparently infested with swarms of guardians and monsters. Instead, as you advised, the best and safest path is to cross through the hills behind the Castle. Of course, Link isn't about to argue with an expert.

With your route decided and equipment packed, you both set off through the freezing tundra of Hebra where the weather was far from perfect. Heavy amounts of snow still delayed your passage, however at least it wasn't bad enough to force you to stop for shelter like the night before.

Rowan Plain was a completely different climate compared to the snowfields in Tabantha. The winds carried a bit of a chill to them from over the canyon, yet those were easy to forget with the warm sun shining from above, providing a nice blend of hot and cold.

In order to avoid any bokoblins riding on horseback through the deeper plains, you both travel along the foothills then upwards towards Elma Knolls, the highest point of the hills behind Hyrule Castle. Here, you carefully lead Celeste to a stop, your eyes focused in the distance, "That's the forest over there. That's where we're heading."

Link stops Epona at your side to get a good look at the misty forest just beyond a large body of water, "It isn't too far from here. If we use my paraglider, we can make it to the forest today."

Once again, he thinks his plan sounds perfectly logical, so he's surprised to see you shake your head, "No, that wouldn't work."

"Why? The tree line doesn't look that thick, in fact, I think I see a small clearing from here. I bet we could make an easy landing there. It would save us the daylight."

"I'd rather not. There's something weird about that mist hanging in the air. It's like it doesn't want anyone passing through unless they use a very specific path accessed from the main trail. I doubt it would accept a paraglider shortcut."

"Wait, you're saying the...mist won't let you go any other path? Like it's too thick to see through ooor -?"

"- I'm not sure how to really describe it," you sigh, "From my experience, whenever I stay in that stuff for too long - even when on the right track - or go a way other than the intended path, I start to feel dizzy. I've lost consciousness a couple of times and during each occurrence, right before I did, I heard voices - like laughter. Next thing I knew, no matter where I came in from or how far I had gotten into the woods, I'd wake up at the main entrance. I've heard other travelers say the same thing has happened to them, too. It's strange, but I suppose that's to be expected from a magic forest."

Link's not sure if he likes the sound of that mist if it makes people lose consciousness, and the laughter, too? That just makes it extra creepy!

You click your tongue, signaling Celeste to keep moving. Link takes one last look at the forest before following, "Do you visit it often? Sounds like you've been there at least a few times before."

You shrug at the question, "I suppose you could say that. I would go every once in a while to check up on the Master Sword, plus it's always nice to visit with the Great Deku Tree. I like hearing his wisdom."

The Great Deku Tree. You said they met each other when Link first received the Master Sword, but like everything else from his past, he's unable to remember. Part of him worries a little over that, wondering what the Deku Tree will think of his lack of memory. You always do good explaining the situation to others, but it doesn't stop them from being let down.

Then again, it seems Link's memory has been improving lately. When he first woke up, it took a long time to properly recall someone even if they were standing right in front of him (take yourself for example), but lately, more memories have been coming to him and much faster, too.

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