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Journal Entry 10:

So yeah I am here. It's been another few months and I haven't spoken to Sanji. I keep finding him staring at me and I don't want to have any of it. I decided that not talking to him for three months was enough time and I would have to talk to him. I walked up to him after school. "Hey Sanji." The moment I said that I was greeted with a punch to the face quickly followed by a hug. "What the hell...?" I said. "Zolo Roronoa I thought you would never speak to me again!" I could feel his tears wet my shirt and I awkwardly patted his head. I pulled him away and took a good look at him. He had bags under his eye and his suit didn't look as neat and crisp as usual. "Are... are you ok?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked like he was about to cry again. I pulled him close to my chest and felt guilt overwhelm me. I was still mad at him, but I could never stop loving him. And honestly, it quite pained me to see him this way. "Come on, I'll walk you home and we can clear up this misunderstanding." I half walked him half carried him home. He looked like a wreck. I could tell that he hadn't gotten good sleep and couldn't focus well. When I walked into his home, I sat on his loveseat with him in my arms. "Sanji, I'm sorry for putting you through this emotional pain, but I need to know. What were you doing with that girl?" I could feel him cling to my shoulders as if they were the only stable thing left in the universe. "She was a friend of mine... She came to visit me while I was sick... I had told her previously that I had been feeling lonely... She misinterpreted it... I-I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew..." He looked like he was going to cry or fall asleep. A tear fell from his eye and I wiped it off. I didn't know if I could trust him. He would easily succumb to a pretty girl if given the opportunity, even if he does love me. I looked down at his face and kissed him. He fell apart in my arms and cried until he fell asleep. I couldn't leve him, so I put him in his bed and then crawled in next to him. I held him in my arms the whole night and felt him shiver when he woke up crying. I tried to soothe him the best I could and we both slept fitfully. He would calm down the moment he realized that it was me and not someone else and fall back asleep. The next morning happened to be a Saturday. I decided that I was going to spend the long weekend with Sanji and I didn't care what anybody had to say about it. He shifted on the bed and I looked down at his messy hair and beautiful face. I remembered why I loved him in the first place. He was more beautiful on the inside than he was on the outside, and I must say, this guy is pretty damn attractive. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. I looked around for something to eat and eventually just settled for some toast. Sanji walked out and lightly hit my head when he saw me eating plain toast. "If you're gonna spend the morning here, I'm going to make you a proper breakfast." He said while smiling. I stuck my tongue out at him and ate more toast because I like toast. After a half an hour, Sanji made a gourmet breakfast, something they would serve at a fancy restaurant, but for breakfast. We ate together in a comfortable silence then sat on the couch. We spent the day talking to each other about everything; how we felt for each other, beer, cigarettes, school, cooking, anything. Before we knew it, it was night and Sanji looked sad. "Sanji, I hope you know I'm staying the long weekend whether you like it or not." I said while kissing his forehead. His eye seemed to light up and he threw himself into my arms, the cigarette he lit earlier burning my cheek slightly. I coughed at the smoke in my face and he sat back, completely oblivious to the smoke. "I'll make us some pasta, ok?" He said while donning his apron and walking into the huge kitchen. I sat on the couch and reviewed the last 5-6 months in my head. At the begining of the year, I realized I loved Sanji. A few weeks after, Sanji learned I loved him. A few days after that, we started dating. A few months after that, we got in a fight. Three months later, we're here now. There were ups and downs and more to come, but I hope that we can still be together. I wasn't paying attention until Sanji came and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, "Hey, for the last five minutes I've been trying to tell you that dinner is ready." With a smirk on my face, I turned my head and kissed him. I stood up and wallked over to the table where there was one plate of pasta. I blushed and sat down. He had a red face too and sat next to me and we romantically ate a plate of spaghetti together. I realized that I had to take a shower and that I didn't have any clothes to change into, so I sheepishly asked Sanji, "Hey... can I borrow some clothes?" He smiled at me and threw a t-shirt that was obviously too big for him, but that might fit me perfectly. He also passed me a pair of shorts, because all he had were shorts and dress pants. I mumbled a curse under my breath. I did not look good in shorts. I took a shower and changed into the clothes he gave me. I felt like a dork wearing a black shirt that said 'Gentlecook" in thick white letters and a pair of green shorts that perfectly matched my hair. I walked into the room and saw Sanji. He took one look at me and blushed while trying to stifle laughter. "Yeah, yeah, you enjoy yourself." I said while I sat on the couch. "I'm gonna go take a shower!" He yelled over his shoulder. I gave him a thumbs up and sat on the couch. A few minutes after he hopped into the shower, I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and saw one guy from that group a from a while back. "What the hell are you doing her?" I said trying to keepy my voice low. The last thing I wanted was for Sanji to come out. He looked at me wearing shorts and began to laugh. He walked inside and tried to kiss me. "Dude, what the hell?! Get outta here before I call the cops!" I tried to whisper. He just looked down at me and smiled. "And why would I do that? I hope you do realize that the rest of our group is right outside this house. I realized that is he was telling the truth, all he'd have to do is call out to them and they'd storm the house. I couldn't do that to Sanji. "God damn you..." I said. "Can we at least go to my house?" I said. He smirked at me and nodded his head, obviously pleased that I agreed. I felt defeated and once we reached my house... I'll not give out the details, but after he left, I fell on the floor and felt violated everywhere. I looked at the clothes that Sanji leant me and saw that they were stretched out and dirtied. I sighed and pulled on some more comfortable clothes and put them in the washing machine. I walked outside with a bag filled with his clothes, more clothes for myself for the next two nights. When I got to Sanji's house, dread shot through me when I saw that the door was ajar and that it sounded like someone was trying to get away from something. Or someone. I ran inside and looked to see that one of the guys from that gang was trying to "get with" Sanji, who was trying to get away from him with a pissed off and slightly terrifeied face. I grabbed my cellphone and dialed 911. As soon as the police sirens were within hearing range, the guy stood up and tried to make a run for the door. When he saw me waiting in the door frame, he brought out a pistol and shot Sanji's shoulder, causing him to cry out and grab it. Instinct told me to run away, my heart told me to run to Sanji, but logic said I should stop the man. So I listened to logic and tackled him to the ground until the police arrived. There were paramedics there to take Sanji to the hospital because he was rapidly losing blood and I had to stay behind to tell the cops that it wasn't just him, that there was a group of them stalking Sanji and I. The police man said that he'd make sure there was an officer within range of our school, within range of our houses and within range of wherever else we choose to go until every last member is caught and brought to justice. I thanked him and got in my car and drove to the hospital that Sanji was in. I couldn't be let in because only family members could visit and I wasn't married to him or related to him. I am currently in the hospital waiting room writing this while hoping that Sanji isn't too badly damaged. Damn... If anything bad happens to him or if he dies...


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