Those who profit from our American Wars

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Remember the same people and companies that profited off our American wars made themselves the Robber Barons of the old west who thought themselves our masters. They caused the Great Depression worldwide after WW1, along with the damning Treaty of Versaille almost guaranteeing WW2. After WW2, they used the CIA to gather as many German scientists as they could under the guise of national security. In 1963 and again in 1968, they killed two brothers who believed in the Real America. Invaded a peaceful country under false pretenses, resulting in 68,000+ American deaths as well as countless Vietnamese and Laotians. Invaded several countries and occupied them so that businesses could exploit their nation's resources such as oil, coca, opium, and heroin. When Reagan then both Bushes deregulated the FCC and cut corporate taxes by 60%, they bought all of the tv stations, and newspapers, radio stations, and magazines. They have even tried to buy the internet since they couldn't it is clogged almost useless in places by ads and other commercial exploits. They even send bots to dating sites to fish for money with ads and present themselves as someone else so to sell you some product or to scam you. These new fascists are the same fascists who have been getting a free ride at the expense of good Americans since the beginning. It is OURS and We will not stand by and let you buy it up like you were collecting cards. Please do not turn this into further violence. If you are among the younger wealthy and your granddad was a dick and thought Hitler should have been in charge; THAT IS NOT YOU FAULT and if you currently have control of his wealth then use what he stole to help us rebuild our country. Please.

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