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A few things before I get started.

Let me first say that I have no issues with money or people using it, be it bank note or bitcoin. My issues with money are how certain people use it to needlessly and unfairly exert power over others, and the others who treat it as if it were mana from some god. It is just little pieces of green paper, based upon the honesty of an august body of congresspeople who more than half of which will see some kind of corruption charge during their "career." Am I the only one who read that last line? This was slightly better when gold and silver were the standards but potentially just as volatile and uncontrollable as the paper mess we are currently in. Until we can ensure the security and viability of a national bitcoin, we will be burdened with these antiquated and flawed systems of transaction.

Next, when I say annoying rich people unless you have more money than you could ever spend, horde it as if you were a dragon, exploit your tenants and employees, and are producing useless burdens on society that are even more arrogant and entitled than yourselves, I AM NOT REFERRING TO YOU. When it comes down to it, variety is good for hundreds of reasons beyond my religious leanings and if everybody was completely one hundred percent equal, it would really be a very boring place to be, IMO. I have no issues with a bit of social stratification. Some folk are going to be more ambitious than others, and some folk need that for their sense of self-worth.  Yet, when it gets so there are: the Haves; Those closest to table who get the honor the first choice of crumbs from the master's table and are told that if they behave they could become a master too, which is really bs to keep the bootlickers in line and jockeying for position, and then the rest of us. This has gotten out of hand, and really if you are so sheltered, or selfish, or such a foul person that you don't see it, then Let me reiterate to you, THEY WILL NOT TAKE YOU UP INTO THEIR GOLDEN CITY NOT MATTER HOW MUCH YOU MIMIC, DRESS LIKE, OR ACT LIKE THEM. THEY ARE USING YOU. People who have this kind of power and abuse it are an affront to all that is good and right in the world, as far as I am concerned

Finally, I am a hippie. I am not Socialist, Capitalist, a Democrat, a Republican, A Libertard, or A TRUMPIAN MAGA MORON. I believe in constant learning and free thinking. I don't follow crowds or get caught up in cults. I am doing what my parents taught me to do, gather as much information about a subject as you can, read it all several times, then make a choice based upon what you read and what you think about it; then that info is considered good until you encounter data which requires to rethink it out. I am just another American, just like you, and Goddess slap me for it, but I love my country. I was a boy scout. Never been to jail. the longest stint where I was not actively participating in the economy has been a few months every few years. The only reason I am not further up the pile of trash are my principles, morals, and ethics.

Shit is hitting the fan, and it is time to step up and do something about it. I am writing this not just to reach out to the counterculture and other Xers, but to reach out to the younger people who are following the path and connect them with the old-schoolers who are still around. We can do this. The first steps have been taken.  With the legalization of Cannabis, the various lies of the drug warriors will be exposed and they will lose their imagined power.  More and More People will call for an immediate end to the drug war, and the ending of 82 years of government waste will free up money for social projects and services, as well as freeing up officers of the justice department to better police corruption, law enforcement, and abuse of power.  

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