From Comment on Agenda 2025 Conspiracy to Harry Shannon and the Breaking Point

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The key is that we do the Mad Eye Moody thing "Forever Vigilant" but we can't let ourselves become what we are fighting against. 

And we need newer ways of doing things because violence is just a bad idea to start with and just gets people hurt, not to mention "they" are much better at it and better equipped than "us."

BTW, Have you read "The Fifth Sacred Thing" by Starhawk? If you haven't, it asks many important questions while showing a future we could all build together.

To break the power of the current set of bad people, we need to remove ourselves from the money game. If we all stop interacting with them and instead set up a Blockchain ledger of community hours and personal hours worked doing whatever it is you do and then arrange exchanges with local farmers, crafters, and businesses; they get cut out of the loop. 

The only power they have is violence and the threat of violence. you steal they beat you and put you in jail. you sleep where you are not allowed to they beat you and put you in jail. you protect yourself and they let the wealthy guy off and send you 6 days a week to some corrupt local manufacturer. 

we just refuse to play their childish games. 

If they bring their violence everyone around surrounds them, disarms them, and they get tied to a tree somewhere until they cool off.
Just like in the book, it will happen when people get sick and tired of it, like the "las tres viejas madres." We should begin thinking about real solutions regardless of which ancient boomer relic is the next president. The wealthy will just try again in 2028, 2032, 2036 and beyond that, if there is a beyond that for humanity. IMhippieO

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