Chapter 1 - Part 1: A Big Surprise!

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The final bell for school went off, signalling that it was time to leave. There was a cool breeze as Ash walked out of the classroom door. He said his goodbyes to all his friends and went back into the school. He went to the school library, put his bag down, took his money and went to the shop just down the street. When he entered, he could see many people wearing the same school uniform who usually come to the shops after school. Most of them come to get a drink, buy some gum or just get a snack. He went over to the drinks section of the shop and looked around for any soft drinks. He wanted something that would give him lots of energy and something that he's never tried before. He then spotted a bit of an unusual drink. It was labelled "A Big Fat Drink!". He thought it was a bit weird, but he grabbed it anyway, went to the checkout and bought it because he thought it would taste nice and it was his favourite colour turquoise. On the way back to the school (which was really close), he began drinking the drink he had just bought. When he first sipped it, it tasted weird and strange. After a few more tries, it started tasting sweeter and sweeter. He ended up drinking the whole thing before he even got back to the school. When he got back, he did some homework (some as in all of it), grabbed his bag and waited by the school gate to be picked up. 

When he got home, he had a shower, had a snack and went to watch some tv. Since it was a Friday it meat that he could stay up extra late because it would be Saturday the next day. Eventually, he got tired and ended up going to bed. He put on his pyjama's, made his bed, brushed his teeth and went to bed. 

The next morning, Ash woke up at around 5:00 am feeling woozy and still very sleepy. He looked at his window and could see that there was a very small amount of light peeking through the blinds. When he tried to get up, he simply just stopped and went straight back down. He was wondering why he couldn't get up, so he tried again and still failed. After about 5 more attempts, he decided he would just roll to his side and get up. When he attempted to do so, he rolled onto his side but didn't fully roll over. He was a bit confused, so he rolled back and decided that he would take the blanket off and sit up.

 When he did so, his jaw dropped at what he saw. The first thing he saw when he took his blanket off was his belly that was much, much bigger than it used to be. He then saw his massive arms and sausage fingers which were pretty plump. When he finally sat up which had him really exhausted, he saw that he had massive thighs. When he tried to stand up, he found it much harder than he thought it would be.

 When he tried to stand up, he found it much harder than he thought it would be

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 (Imagine with only underwear on) It took him a few tries to get up and when he finally got up, his belly hung down over his thighs but above his swollen knees. His feet had also fattened up as well. When he turned around, he could see ripped up pieces of fabric which was once his pyjamas. He then realised that he was only in his underwear which was very tight and got a little bit embarrassed. When he tried to walk normally, his thighs started to rub together and he found it really uncomfortable. He then started to slowly waddle to his mirror, having his whole body jiggle with every step. His thighs were still rubbing together, but it was more comfortable and it felt kind of nice. Every step he took, his belly would also get in the way, so he had to walk like a penguin almost. When he saw himself in the mirror, he immediately noticed that his once visible chin had become barely visible and also had a big double chin. His neck had been engulfed in fat and his chest was very big. His moobs were pretty big and sagged onto his belly. His arms were like mini pillows and when he reached up to touch them, the fat on his arms hung down and his arms felt like the softest and comfiest pillows ever. His hips were quite wide for a male and when he turned to his side, his butt was very big and his thighs were also really big and wide and were spilling over his swollen knees. He then realised that his new body appeared to be more feminine than male because he had wide hips, huge thighs and a really big butt. He also noticed that his whole frame didn't even fit in his mirror because his hips, butt and belly weren't fully in the frame, so he was going to have to waddle over to his bathroom mirror.

Ash began to waddle to the bathroom, but, when he reached his doorframe, his hips got a little stuck on both sides of the doorframe. This was because his house wasn't meant for people his size and wasn't modified to suit his size. He attempted to free himself from the doorway by entering the hallway but got his butt wedged into the door as well. Then, he thought of an idea and started going back into his room to un-wedge himself from the door. When he got himself free, he was very exhausted and was breathing as if he had just run a marathon. He waddled over to his bed to go and sit down because his legs were struggling to carry all the excess weight. When he sat down, he felt so much better and didn't want to get up for a while but knew that he had to. When he got back up after a few attempts, he approached the door sideways and went through without getting stuck! Ash had finally figured out a way to navigate through doors in his house.

When he entered the bathroom, he waddled over to the mirror to truly admire his new body and see every single inch of fat that was on his new body. When he saw how big he truly was, he was shocked but at the same time really happy. He wondered if he could fit inside his shower. When he tried to get in, he wouldn't fit at all and had to enter by going sideways and he just barely fit. Also, he had almost no room to move around in the shower. All he could do in there is probably wash himself, turn around and that's it. He got out of the shower and went to sit on a nearby chair but then saw himself in the mirror with his size compared to the chair. Because of the size of his butt, he went out of the bathroom and grabbed another chair so he could sit down using two chairs. When he sat down, he started playing with his belly, loving every moment of it. He then wondered if this was real life or a dream. So he pinched himself really hard on the arm and shrieked quietly in pain, making his whole body jiggle. Usually, if he was in a dream and he was about to be hurt, he would wake up in his bed, but this time he didn't which made him really happy. When he finished playing with his belly, he started to rub it to see what it felt like and he loved it.

A few minutes later, he decided to put some clothes on to stay warm because it was around 14 degrees celsius outside and it wasn't that different inside the house. He didn't have to worry about his family seeing him like this because they would still be asleep. Since school had finished, his family would usually sleep in to get extra hours of sleep in. When he tried on some of his clothes, none of them fit his new body and that had him worried. He went to his room and went to grab his scale but realised he would have to lay down in order to grab it because it was underneath his bed. He didn't really care so he laid down, grabbed the scale and tried to get back up but failed. Then, an idea came to him. He went onto his knees which was pretty difficult because of his belly, grabbed onto the side of his bed and eventually stood up. He then stepped onto the scale and tried to read it but couldn't because of his massive stomach. He leaned over to read it and it read 242.2kg. He went to his computer and converted it to pounds and it said 534 pounds! Ash was so happy, he tried to jump up and down, but didn't leave the ground but he still did it, making him jiggle all over. When he stopped, he was exhausted and his body kept jiggling for a solid 5 seconds. He was taking very deep breaths to try and recover his energy.

He went to the laundry, opened the dryer and found his dad's clothes and figured they would fit which they did. He was wearing a stretchy sweatpants and a big shirt which was a quite tight and a bit of his belly peeked out. The pants was also stretching at it's maximum length and was quite tight on Ash because that is how big he had become! It surprised Ash that his dad's clothes had fit him because he wasn't that big, though his dad is quite tall. When he bent over, his shirt would ride up his back and his pants would go down his legs as well as his underwear a little, letting his butt show. If he stretched or reached up, his whole belly would be exposed and his belly would hang down over his pants.

He waddled over to his lounge and sat down which was basically falling down onto the couch, making him sink into the couch. Even though he did such a short walk, he was already so exhausted. He took up half the space on the couch with his butt and thighs spreading out when he sat down. He knew that he would need new clothes for himself now and in the future and he also wanted something to eat because he was very hungry. So, he waddled over to his room, put on his socks and shoes which took him around 5 minutes, put on a cap, quietly snuck into his mum and dad's room, grabbed the house keys, some money, grabbed his Smart Rider and left the room. This process took Ash around 13 minutes to complete and left him exhausted and starving. He grabbed a bag of chips, opened it and ate all the contents of the bag in under 3 minutes. Before he left, he looked on the computer to see which bus would take him to the nearest shop and what time it would arrive. It said that the bus stop just down the street would have a bus arriving there in 20 minutes. So he grabbed the things he needed including 5 bags full of food to satisfy any hunger on the way to the shops, some coke (8 cans) and some good motives. He left the house quietly through the back gate and left a note behind saying 'Gone to a friends house, will be back in a few hours'. 

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