Chapter 1 - Part 2: A New Experience

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Ash had only just gotten down the driveway and was now on the side of the road, but was already starting to get tired! Even though that he knew it would be a long and tiring trip, he was still so excited! He would be able to see how people would react to seeing him and what it truly felt like to be this big. He also wanted to see how is family, friends and relatives would react to seeing him like this. He stopped for a moment to catch a breath and leaned on a nearby tree. As he was leaning on the tree, he looked behind him to see that he had moved only about 10 to 15 steps. He then looked ahead of him to see how much further he had left until he got to the bus stop. He still had to walk around 90 to 100 metres until he would make it to the bus stop and he had only gone around 9 metres! He looked at his phone to see how much longer until the bus arrived and it said 15 minutes left. He got a bit worried and started to hurry up. He stood up straight and started waddling to the far away bus stop. He then wondered what his neighbours would think if they saw him like this. He would usually go for morning walks and his neighbours would usually wave to him. But now that he was like this, he wondered what they would do now. Maybe they would be shocked, horrified or confused if he was actually that big or not. Well, he knew that where he lived, there were lots of people around his size and weight so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Ash was once again tired and took yet another break, leaning on a transmission pole. He opened his bag, grabbed his water bottle and closed his bag. He had a drink and stood there for a moment to catch a proper breath. When he looked towards the neighbours house, he saw that his neighbour had come out of the house, quickly walking towards him looking quite worried. When they reached Ash they said "Good morning darling, are you okay? You look quite tired and very... different." Ash responded saying "Good morning huff... Marlene, I'm huff, doing all right huff... I haven't been that healthy lately huff.. and put on just a little bit of weight". "Okay, but you look really tired, do you want to come inside and take a seat or are you going somewhere?" said Marlene. "Um, I'm just huff... going off to the shops huff. I-Is it huff... o-okay if you can huff... d-drive me there?" said Ash, blushing profusely having to ask his own neighbour to drive him to the shops. "Yes darling, of course, you look exhausted. Come inside with me and take a seat on the couch while I get ready. Feel free to have something to eat while I'm getting ready. I'll be around 10-15 minutes. Do you want me to contact your parents or do they already know?" "Oh huff... you don't have to tell them huff... because they already know huff." "Okay, well come on inside then" said Marlene. "Huff... thank you huff... so much."

Ash slowly waddled to the front door, sweating profusely on the way their. When he tried to enter, his hips got caught in the door. Ash was getting really embarrassed but at the same time, he really enjoyed it. He got un-stuck from the doorframe and tried entering sideways but his butt and belly got caught in the doorframe. "Oh, um, you can enter around the back. I'll just open the gate from the other side" said Marlene. "O-okay" said Ash. He slowly went over to the outside gate and entered through there, just barely fitting though. When he got inside, he thanked Marlene for being so generous and also apologised for making her run around in the morning like this. After that, he immediately started waddling over to the couch while taking many breaks with Marlene helping him waddle there, wondering how he got so big and soft. When he reached the couch, he took off his bag and dropped it on the floor. He didn't want to bend down and place it on the floor because his massive belly was in the way and he was too tired to do it. He sat down, making his whole body jiggle and leaned back, letting his body rest. The couch wasn't that big so there was no space for Marlene to sit down on the couch. His thighs and butt weren't even fully spread out underneath him as well, so his legs and butt were squished in on the armrests. "Make yourself at home, darling. You can stay for as long as you like. I'll be ready in about 15 minutes. Just shout my name if you need anything okay?" said Marlene in a happy and friendly tone. " "Okay, thank you!" said Ash.

A few minutes later, Ash's stomach started rumbling a lot and he immediately felt hungry again. So, Ash sat up and grabbed his bag, opened it and grabbed a bag of chips. He opened the bag and smelled the chips, causing his stomach to rumble more. He wanted to see what his new body was capable of as well as his appetite. He put his hand in and grabbed a whole handful of chips and started stuffing his face. Usually, this would've filled him up immediately, but this probably filled him up by one percent. He kept stuffing his face, handful after handful, until he realized that he had finished the bag in only 2 minutes! Though, he still felt hungry, so he grabbed another bag of chips and repeated the process. He finished the second bag even quicker than the first and was still hungry! He grabbed a can of soda, opened it and started chugging it as fast as he could. When he had finished it, he had finally felt a bit satisfied and wasn't that hungry anymore. He looked down to see crumbs all over his clothes and face. He also saw the scrunched up empty packets which once used to have chips in them. He got up with a huge effort, picked up all the rubbish and waddled over to the kitchen, he put all the rubbish in the bin and waddled back over to the couch. He did a little stretch, having his belly hang down and being completely exposed as well as his butt peaking over his underwear and pants. He didn't bother knowing that Marlene wouldn't be done for a while and just left his clothes how it was.

He looked at the clock and saw that it had been 15 minutes. He waddled over to where Marlene had gone to see where she was. "Hey Marlene, I'm ready to go!" called out Ash. "I'll be there in one moment Ash!" responded Marlene. Suddenly, Ash felt the need to go the toilet. "Marlene, where's the toilet?" asked Ash. "If you come down the hallway, it's the second door to the left sweetheart!". "Okay, thanks!". Ash tried to enter the hallway side on and he did fit, but his butt and belly were squished against the wall when he entered because the hallway was pretty small. He could still move but he moved extremely slow and his butt, belly and thighs rubbed against the walls which made him quite uncomfortable. When he made it to the first door, his belly burst through the door, giving Ash a break. When he continued, he had to squish his belly back into the squished wall position. When he got to the second door, he immediately tried to go through and was stopped by the size of his hips and the doorframe. He couldn't enter side on because he was already side on, so he just barely squeezed through the door. When he entered the room, was very small with both of his thighs and hips squished against both walls. Ash was at the point where he was busting so he somehow shut the door, pulled down his pants and did his business, having difficulty reaching his ***** with his belly in the way.

When he finished, he went to the bathroom and washed his hands, and started going back down the hallway. When he was halfway through, Marlene had called out to him saying that she was ready to go. "I'm coming Marlene! Just give me a minute" said Ash. When he eventually got out of the hallway, he quickly adjusted his pants and shirt to cover as much of his body as possible before Marlene saw. "Hey Ash, are you ready to leave now?". "Yeah, let me grab my bag" said Ash. "Oh, don't worry, I already put it in the car". "Oh, thanks!" "No problem sweetheart" said Marlene. "I'll go start the car now". Ash quickly waddled out the backdoor and went around the side of the house in order to get to the car. When he got there, he was very exhausted and drank some water. When he finished, he opened the front passenger door and attempted to get inside. When he lifted his foot and put it inside, he realized that he would have to fit his enormous butt through the door as well as his massive belly and huge thighs. After a few failed attempts, he figured he would just go and sit in the back seat. When he did so, he fit, but took up both seats, leaving no room in the back. His butt also raised him up, having his hair touch the roof of the car. When he tried to shut the door, his thighs prevented the door from closing. "Hey Marlene, can you please close the door for me? I'm having some difficulty closing it." "Sure thing." said Marlene. When she closed the door, she started the car and began driving.

Around halfway to the shops, Marlene started talking to Ash to break the awkward silence. "So Ash... can I ask you a question?". "Sure. Whatever question it is, I'll answer truthfully from the bottom of my heart. I promise.". "Okay, well I mean no offense to you at all, but... um... h-how did you get so... well... big?".

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