On your left (1)

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Steve's POV:

'On your left.' I said to the man running with me. I did a few more laps of that, annoying him on the way. After about 30 minutes, the man was leaning on the tree, trying to catch his breath.

'Need a medic?' I asked, coming to him.

'I need a new set of lungs.' He joked.

'Dude, you just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes.' He remarked.

'Guess I got a late start.' I said.

'Really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap. Did you just take it? I assumed that you just did.' He said.

'What unit you with?' I asked, looking at the logo on his shirt.

'58th Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA.' He said, extending a hand out. I took it and helped him up.

'Sam Wilson.' He said, introducing himself.

'Steve Rogers.' I answered back.

'I gathered that. Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing.'

'It takes some getting used to. It's good to meet you Sam.' I said, backing away.

'It's your bed right?' Sam asked.

'What's that?'

'Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there, I'd sleepn on the ground. Using rocks as pillows, like a caveman. Now that I'm home, lying in bed, it's like...'

'Lying on a marshmallow. Feeling like I'll sink right into the ground. How long?' I finished for him.

'Two tours. You must miss the good old days huh?' He asked.

'Well, things aren't so bad, food tastes a lot better. We used to boil everything. No polio is good, the Internet, so helpful. Been reading that a lot, trying to catch up.' I said.

'Marvin Gaye, 1972, Trouble Man Soundtrack. Everything you missed jammed into one album.' He recommended.

'I'll put it on the list.' I said, taking my small book out, writing the name. I got a notification on my phone, from Mia, saying I had another mission.

'Well Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that's what you wanna call that.' I said, shaking his hand.

'That's how we're gonna play this?' he asked, chuckling.

'Anytime you wanna stop by the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know.' He said.

'I'll keep it in mind.' I said as Mia pulled up behind me in a car.

'Hey fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil.' She said.

'That's hilarious.' I said, sarcastically.

'Hey Sam.' Mia said.

'How you doing?' He asked

'You know him?' I asked Mia, she nodded.

'She volunteers at the VA.' Sam said.

'I was planning on visiting this week, but what can I do? Work calls.' Mia said, shrugging.

'Don't worry about it.' He said and we were off.

'I didn't know you volunteered at the VA.' I said when we stopped at a red light.

'There's a lot of things you don't know about me Rogers.' She said, sarcastically or actually, I can't really tell.

'Why do you volunteer there?' I asked.

'We all have our own reasons. I like to help people.' She said and I didn't push from there. Mia, Nat and me have been going on missions as a group and nailing every one of them. Us three got really close and Mia is one of my best friends. Nick didn't mind it and kept us as a team. We got ready for the mission and boarded the jet.

'Target is a mobile satellite launch platform, the Lemurian star. They were sending out their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.'

'Any demands?' i asked.

'Billion and a half.'

'Why so steep?' Mia asked.

'Because it's S.H.I.E.L.D's.'

'So it's not off-course, it's trespassing.' I said to Nat.

'I'm sure they have a good reason.' She said.

'You know, I'm getting tired of being Fury's little janitor.' I said, annoyed.

'Relax, it's not that complicated.' Nat said.

'How many pirates?' Mia asked.

'25. Top mercs led by this guy. Georges Batroc, Ex-DGSE, Action Division. he's at the top of 'Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilised him, he had 36 kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.' Rumlow said, showing a picture of a man.

'Hostages?' Nat asked.

'Mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell. They're in the gallery.' Rumlow said.

'What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship? Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find hostages, get 'em to the life boats and get them out. Mia, you take on any bystanders, help with evacuation and then come with me.' I said and everyone got their gear ready.

Mia's POV:

'Secure channel seven.' Steve said in his comms.

'Seven secure.' I said back.

'You anything fun Saturday night?' Nat asked Steve.

'Well, all the guys from my barber shop quartet are dead, so no, not really.' He replied back. Nat and I smirked at his response.

'Coming near drop zone, Cap.' The pilot said. I pushed a red button beside me and the hatch of the jet opened.

'You know, if you ask Kristen out from Statistics, she'd probably say yes.' Nat said and I rolled my eyes playfully. I don't know why, but Nat had made it her personal mission to find Steve a date.

'That's why I don't ask.' Steve said, putting his helmet on and following me to the hatch.

'To shy or too scared?' Nat asked.

'Too busy.' He replied and jumped off. I smirked and jumped just after him, without a parachute. I used my powers and we landed quietly on the roof of the ship. He gave me a nod and I went my way. I had my suit, multiple holsters loaded with daggers and explosives on me. I went towards the gallery, making absolutely no sound and taking out agents with ease. I kicked a person and he fell into the sea. I shrugged and went inside. I found the others unloading their parachutes.

'What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.' Nat said and I rolled my eyes.

'Secure the engine room and then find me a date.' Steve said.

'I'm multi-tasking.' She said and jumped to the lower sections of the ship. I followed Steve. We jumped to the higher levels and Steve shot a recording device in the room Batroc was in.

'I don't like waiting. Call Durand. I want this ship ready to move when the ransom comes. Start the engine.' I translated for him. He nodded. After a few minutes, they spoke again.

'Radio silence from S.H.I.E.L.D, Batroc...' I said.

'Targets's in position.' An agents's voice came through.

'S.T.R.I.K.E. in position.' Rumlow said.

'Natasha, status.' Steve asked. We didn't receive any response.

'Status, Natasha.' Steve asked again.

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