The Mall (7)

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Mia's POV:

'The drive has a Level Six homing programme, so as soon as we boot it up, S.H.I.E.L.D will know exactly where we are.' Nat said as Steve kept a look out, me doing the same but looking at the file on the computer as well.

'How much time do we have?' He asked.

'About nine minutes from... now.' She said as she put the drive in. 

'Fury was right about that ship, somebody was trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of A.I. It keeps rerouting itself to counter my commands.'

'Can you override it?' Steve asked.

'The person that developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly...' She said.

'Here, let me try.' I said. 

'I'm gonna try running a tracer, this is a programme that S.H.I.E.L.D developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, we can know where it came from.' I muttered as an employee came up to us. 

'Can I help you guys with anything?' He asked.

'No. My fiancé was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations.' Nat quickly covered, grabbing onto Steve's shoulders and leaning into him.

'Right, we're getting married.' Steve said, clearly uncomfortable.

'Congratulations, where are you thinking of going?' The employee asked.

'Uh, New Jersey.' Steve said, covering the laptop so the person would not know what I was doing. I took a quick glance at the pair and saw the employee look at Steve closely.

'Take this.' I whispered to Nat. She nodded and took over.

'Hey, could you help me look for a new phone? My old one is not working so well.' I said, coming between the two men quickly.

'Yes, definitely. What kind are you looking for?' He asked and we went to the other side of the store.

'Something that is fast and compact but not too expensive.' I said.

Steve's POV:

Hey, could you help me look for a new phone? My old one is not working so well.' Mia said quickly, he happily took her to the phone isle. 

'Wow, nice save.' I muttered.

'Steve, she's a spy, she definitely has a few tricks up her sleeve.' Nat said and I glanced at my watch.

'You said nine minutes, come on.' I said, urging Nat and waving Mia over.

'I'll talk it through with my parents and come back. Thank you Aaron.' I heard her say. 

'Got it.' Nat said.

'You know it?' Mia asked, looking at my face.

'I used to. Come on.' I said Mia grabbed the flash drive and we went out of the store. 

'Standard Tac Team. Two behind, Two across, two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro.' I said, looking around, starting to panic.

'Shut up and put your arm around me. Laugh at something I said.' Nat said.

'What?' I asked.

'Do it Steve.' Mia said. I glanced at her and saw her drifting away a bit, checking her phone. Looking like a normal teenager. I did as I was told and we went around the agents, no problem. We came on an escalator, Mia behind me and me behind Nat.

'Guys.' Mia warned us and went back on her phone to keep her cover. I looked in front and saw Rumlow.

'Kiss me.' Nat said.

'What?' I asked, not believing what she was saying. 

'Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.' Nat stated.

'Yes, they do.' I said, she just pulled me into the kiss. Rumlow looked away and Nat left me.

'You still uncomfortable?' Nat asked.

'Not exactly the word I would use.' I said as we got off the escalator. 

Mia's POV:

'Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?' I asked as we entered New Jersey. My feet on the headrest of Nat's seat. Steve's shield beside me.

'Nazi Germany and we're borrowing. Take you feet of the dash. And you kiddo, take your feet off of the headrest.' Steve said to Nat and me. I rolled my eyes and did what he said. 

'All right, I have a question for you, which you don't have to answer. But if you don't answer it it kinda feels like you're answering it.' Nat started to ramble on.

'What?' Steve asked her.

'Was that your first kiss since 1945?' Nat asked and I burst out laughing. 

'Shut up! That bad huh?' Steve asked Nat.

'I didn't say that.' Nat argued.

'It kinda sounds like you're saying it.' Steve said.

'No. Mia do you think I said that?' Nat asked me. Steve looked at me from the rear view mirror.

'Well, to be fair, you are kind of implying that, asking the question.' I said.

'Ugh. Traitor.' She said rolling her eyes. I just chuckled. 

'Well no, I was just wondering how much practice you've had.' Nat said. 

'You don't need practice.' Steve said

'Everybody needs practice.' Nat counteracted.

'Mia, do you think we need practice?' Nat asked me again.

'What is it with you both asking me to settle your arguments?' I asked, annoyed. They just chuckled.

'To be fair, everyone needs a little bit of practice.' I said, grinning like an idiot.

'See. I was correct.' Nat said. Steve just scoffed. 

'Well, it was not my first kiss since 1945.' Steve said.

'Ooo... tea.' I said in a sing song voice which caused Nat to chuckle. 

'I'm 95. I'm not dead.' Steve said. 

'Nobody special though?' I asked, getting interested.

'Not like you need to know any of this, but it's kinda hard, finding someone with shared life experience.' Steve said.

'That's alright, just make something up.' Nat and me said at the same time.

'What like you?' Steve asked Nat.

'Truth is a matter of circumstance. It's not all things to all people all the time. Neither am I.' She said. That was basically my life story, but no one could know. 

'It's a tough way to live.' Steve stated.

'Yeah, a good way not to die though.' I muttered.

'What was that?' Steve asked, I mentally face palmed myself. Forgetting that he had super hearing.

'Nothing.' I quickly said. I was feeling a little tired so I decided to take a little nap.

'You know, it's kinda hard to trust someone, when you don't know who that person is.' Steve said.

'Yeah. Who do you want me to be?' Nat asked.

'A friend.' Steve said.

'There might be a chance that you're in the wrong business Rogers.' was the last thing I heard Nat say as I fell asleep. 

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