The Ghost Story (6)

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Mia's POV:

'No, but wai-' I said but he had already jumped. I quickly jumped after him. My suit had a hood which can turn to a mini parachute. I was about to tell him we could go together but he already jumped. I grabbed my hood and pulled at it, it expanded it and it became a makeshift parachute.  Steve had already broken the glass for me to go through. He groaned as I landed beside him, helping him get up, making sure that he was okay. 

'I'm fine. Let's go. We don't have much time.' He said and we ran. He got a motorcycle from the garage and I sat behind him. We got out just in time as the gate was closing. 

'Steve, spikes ahead.' I said, noticing the spikes a few feet ahead of us. A jet flew beside us.

'Stand down Captain Rogers, I repeat, stand down.' The pilot said as some bullets were shot at us. Steve just kept on speeding. 

'Hang on!' He yelled to me, dodging the bullets. He then took his shield and threw it to the engine of the jet. It hit right on spot and the jet faltered. 

'Get ready to jump.' He said and pushed the breaks. I quickly jumped up, flipping in mid air, letting the bike go. I grabbed explosives from my suit and threw it at the jet, avoiding Steve, who had jumped up and taken momentum from it to get his shield back. I landed and ran towards the other side as Steve came down with the jet. He jumped at the last second and landed on his feet, shield at the front.

'Show off.' I muttered. He chuckled and we ran as fast as we could.

'Your apartment. It's closer.' He said, and I nodded. I'm sure Steve must've been surprised about how I could keep up with him. We quickly got to my apartment.

'We have to get out of here fast. This is given to me by S.H.I.E.L.D, they might come here.' I said as I rushed to my closet. I got a duffel bag out which had Steve's clothes and threw it to him. We were best friends and sometimes he had to crash at my place after a mission if it's too late. I have a bag of clothes at his house which are mine. 

'I don't have shoes.' He said. 

'Wait here.' I answered after a quick thought. I went back in my closet and got a pair of my blue sneakers, they were way too big for me, I never returned them, so I'm stuck with them. 

'They might be a little big.' I said as I passed it to them.

'No problem.' He said. I nodded and went to the guest room to get changed. I closed the door to my room and wore a black jacket with a hood, a dark blue shirt and black leggings, my sneakers were purple, the same design like Steve's but they were my size. I grabbed a pair of glasses for Steve. I let my gloves be since I never take them off. I grabbed my phone and a spare device which would help later on. 

'You done?' he asked from the other side of the door. I hummed and opened the door, passed him the glasses. He had worn a dark blue jacket with dark green joggers and a white shirt. 

'What are these for?' he asked.

'Your disguise.' I simply said as I sheathed some daggers to my leggings and a gun on the waistband of my jeans.

'What happened to your powers?' He asked.

'Rumlow injected me with something. I don't think it was a high dose since I can feel them coming back.' I said, looking at the small purple wisps of energy at my fingertips. He nodded and we got out of the apartment. 

'Where to?' I asked as we were on the streets.

'The hospital.' he said and I nodded. We went back to the hospital. Obviously, we could not just enter, I had a gun and multiple daggers on me. We went through a window and reached the vending machine but the flash drive was gone. We heard a bubble pop and saw Nat in the reflection. Steve pushed her in a room as I followed him, closing the door behind us. He pushed Nat to the wall.

'Where is it?' he asked.


'Do better.' I said, crossing my arms. 

'Where did you get it?' She asked.

'Why would I tell you?' 

'Fury gave it to you. Why?' She asked.

'What's on it?' 

'I don't know.'

'Stop lying.' He whisper shouted. 

'I only act like I know everything Rogers.' She said. 

'I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates didn't you.' He said.

'Well it makes sense. The ship was dirty, he needed a way in, so do you.' She said, calmly. 

'I'm not going to ask you again.' He said getting impatient. 

'I know who killed Fury.' She said and my eyes widened.

'The Winter Solider?' I asked, she looked at me, eyes wide and nodded.

'Who?' Steve asked.

'Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones that do, call him the Winter Solider.' I said, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder so he would let go of Nat.

'He's credited with over two dozen assassinations over the past fifty years.' I continued. 

'So he's a ghost story.' Steve concluded.

'Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Somebody shot out my tyres near Odessa. We lost control and went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out, but the Winter Solider was there. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me.' She said, showing the scar on her side. I felt guilt pang in my stomach.

'Soviet slug, no rifling bye-bye bikinis.' Nat remarked, smirking a little. 

'Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now.' Steve said sarcastically. 

'There was another one, I shot her. There is no way she could've survived.' Nat continued.

'Why, what happened?' Steve asked.

'Three bullet wounds straight to the stomach and a stab on her shoulder.' She said and I looked down. 

'Going after him is a dead end, I know I've tried.' She said, getting the flash drive out.

'Like you said, he's a ghost story.' She ended as I took the drive from her. 

'Well, let's find out what the ghost wants.' I said. We got out and went to an abandoned building in which Nat had kept some stuff. She changed into a disguise and gave Steve a brown jacket to put on top. She gave me a dark blue cap to wear. We decided to go to a mall so we could find the origin of the file in the flash drive. 

'First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk.' I told Steve.

'If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off.' He remarked. We went inside an Apple Store and went to the section of the laptops.

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