The shooter (4)

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Steve's POV:

'Oh. Thank you.' I said. If it was an intruder, I could not just walk in through the door. I went to the other side and opened my window. I then went inside, grabbing my shield on the way. I turned the corner and saw Nick, sitting on my chair.

'I don't remember giving you a key.' I said.

'Steve? Nick?' I heard and turned around. I saw Mia with a gun in front of her.

'What are you doing here?' I asked, she nodded towards Nick.

'Do you really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out.' He said.

'I didn't know you were married.' Mia said.

'A lot of things you don't know about me.' Nick said.

'That's the problem Nick.' I said, walking and turning on the lamp in front of me. I saw Nick with bloody cuts and bruises on his face. My eyes widened. He quickly put his hand up to silence us and shut the lamp off again. He typed something on his phone.


'I'm sorry I have to do this. I had no place else to crash.' He said.

'SHIELD COMPROMISED' I looked at Mia and her eyes had widened like mine.

'Who else knows about your wife?' I asked

'Just... my friends.' He said.

'YOU BOTH AND ME.' He typed on his phone

'Is that what we are?' I asked.

'That's up to you.' Just as he said that, many bullets came through the wall and hit Nick.

Mia's POV:

'Is that what we are?' Steve asked.

'That's up to you.' Just as he said that, many bullets came through the wall and hit Nick. My eyes widened and I pulled him towards me and Steve. I dragged him to the living room.

'Don't trust anyone.' Nick said, giving Steve the flash drive I had given him. Suddenly, the door burst open and a female voice came through.

'Captain Rogers?' The voice asked.

'Captain, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D special service.' She said.

'Kate?' Steve asked. I was still at Fury's side, calling for medical help.

'I'm assigned to protect you.' She said.

'On whose order?' Steve asked. She looked at Nick and took a deep breath.

'His.' She said and started to call for help from S.H.I.E.L.D.

'Foxtrot is down, he's unconscious. I need EMT's.' She said in her walkie talkie.

'Do we have a 20 on the shooter.'

'Tell them I'm in pursuit.' Steve said and ran towards the window.

'I'll help you.' I said. The ambulance came fast and took Nick with them. I was outside, flying. I called Nat to come to the hospital. They quickly wheeled him in the operation theatre. Hill, Steve and me were already there.

'Is he gonna make it?' Nat asked.

'I don't know.' Steve answered. I had tears in my eyes, not letting them fall down, looking at Nick.

'Tell me about the shooter.' Nat asked Steve.

'He's fast, strong, had a metal arm.' He said and realisation dawned on me. I think Nat knew something too since her expression changed. 

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