Revival (6)

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Stiring into awareness the first thing she saw was darkness and if it was anyone else they would think that they are dreaming and it is just a nightmere but she wasn't anyone else and didn't live that long just by sheer luck so she knew that she wasn't dreaming or imagining the darkness because she felt like she was wide awake, surrounded by darkness and warmth and her more feral side ,her instinct is telling her that the darkness and warmth is in fact real an not a hallucination.There was no sign of life and she was alone. It made for a very lonely place and there was no sense of time. She couldn't call out to anyone and all she had were her thoughts for company. She had a sense of being but she had a hunch that she was formless, as weird as it was. It was alarming but then again, Zero was sure that she had died.As she stayed in the darkness, she had slipped into unawareness not long after. She'd gone into a dreamlike state and her thoughts had been blissfully blank but that all changed as well when her world of warmth and darkness had become something blindingly bright and brutally cold. She cried in alarm, not understanding what was happening. What was more startling however was the fact that she finally gained a faint sense of her body, a body that she'd been unaware of for so long in her darkness. She couldn't move however. When she tried, her body wouldn't obey her and that only amplified her feeling of confusion.
What's going on? Zero thought, tensing slightly the moment she felt something engulf her . After blinking away her desorientation she felt a warmth battling against the cold but still, her heart was pounding fast in her chest as she tried to gain some sense of comprehension as to what was happening. Her vision was blurry and her hearing was muffled, but they cleared up a few moments later. It is deeply unsettling as someone with senses far surpassing those of others, to have been reduced to something so ─ so different and limited.
There are peple she realized after awhile and they are bigger than her and all wore a white uniform that doctors use .
Loking around as much that her body allowed - which for some reason wasn't so much - she noticed that the walls are white and realised that she was in fact in a hospital . Why was she in a hospital? Wasn't she supposed to be dead?
A person towered over her, almost intimidatingly so but she hardened her face and stared right back at the person. She wasn't a scared little girl that needed others to defend her. She could hold her own agains the likes of Acnologia and Zeref and was even powerful enough to surpass them and other powerfull foes.
"What's her name?" The person towering obove her asked, eyeing the poker faced baby with vague interest.
"Uh," A voice called out. "I think it's Zero-chan."

"No last name?

No... We weren't able to identify the mother."


"Zero-chan is an orphan. Her mother died in childbirth and there's no sign of the father. We weren't able to find any relatives either."


"Tragic, isn't it?"

There was a sigh. "Yeah. I guess she'll have to go to an orphanage then."

"Yeah. Hopefully she gets adopted but I mean, it's a long shot. Did you see her eyes?"

"Who didn't? They look like she can see right thought your soul ."

"You don't think─"

"It couldn't be... I mean, just the thought is ridiculous. She's just a child.
A child ? Zero though. Zero didn't understand what was happening to her but then it dawned on her. The white room, the towering people, the warmth and sharp coldness... She easily put it all together, but the idea was so farfetched!

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