Congratulations and presents(29)

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Zero walked back to her apartment after saying goodbye to Naruto and Sasuke after scheduling a group training for the end of the week. In addition to whatever Kakashi's trainings and missions, they were still continuing with their group training and individual training. They'd have to redo their schedule and it was a lot of training but they knew it was worth it. They also knew the importance of not pushing themselves too harshly. She could hardly believe the revelations that were shared today and never would she have expected for the Kyuubi's own input. She didn't doubt the Biju's words and there was no way that'd she'd ever easily dismiss them, supposedly evil being or not. Still, every time she tryes to imagine such a being like Kurama the only thing that would come in mind was something similar with one of her teachers, a great towering fox,but unlike her teacher silver fur, with fur as crimson as Igneel's scales and tails flowing gracefully about and containing an immense power ─ and most people would have been weary, considering its great potential for danger but her familly and teachers as well as the other beings she meet and fought had been just as dangerous.
No, they had been the most dangerous creatures that had graced Earthland, right next to her, Zeref and Acnologia.
Zero walked into her apartment, feeling tired but satisfied. She threw off her shoes laid them neatly to the side. "I'm home..." She muttered.
"Zero!" Aoba greeted enthusiastically, smothering her with a hug with a wide grin on his face. "So how'd it go? We need details!" He demanded.
Genma raised an eyebrow from where he was draped on the couch. He sat up, making room for Zero. "Give her a break Aoba, she just came back."
Zero with a fond smile on her face returned Aoba's hug. She wrapped her arms around him, she sighed in contentment as she took in his familiar scent, and for a moment, her mind flashed to her brothers and friends . Natsu and Sting had been more liberal with their hugs. The rest had been a lot more... reserved. Laxus, Gajeel and Cobra were especially so. Rogue was kind of in between as for her team Julian was clingy when it came to her, Luke was an affectionate type, Ezra was a little more reserved but didn't hesitate to show his affection towars her, Akira and Duke came out as cold but were very warm towars her so she wasn't as repulsed by pshyhical affection as when she was little. Zero buried herself in Aoba's side, eyes misting slightly at the thought of her team but she still smiled. "I passed." She said, voice slightly muffled as her face was buried in Aoba's side. "I'm on Team 7 and Hatake Kakashi is my new sensei. Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are my teammates." She informed.
Hayate raised an eyebrow at that and he smiled as Aoba's grin turned into something softer and fond. He watched as Aoba cradled a hand through Zero hair and as he led her to the couch to sit by Genma's side but she dragged Aoba down with her as she seemed unwilling to let go, not that Aoba was protesting.
The swordsman looked a lot better than he's ever had before. The shadows under his eyes had lessened considerably. His skin wasn't as pale before and instead, there was a healthy tan. He almost seemed to glow with renewed health and many had inquired how it was that he had improved so drastically. His skills as a shinobi had also improved and now that his illness was just a few short sessions away from being completely eradicated, he could now intensify his training to further his skill as he's always wanted to. He didn't ever think he'd ever stop being grateful for the second chance that Zero gave him. He had taught Zero and her friends, now her teammates, Kenjutsu but still, he thought that hardly made up for what Zero did for him, despite her saying otherwise.
"So you got the team that you wanted Zero-chan?" Raido asked curiously from where he was leaning against a wall and looking out the window.
"Mn." Zero leaned away from Aoba's hold and she turned to the Jounin. "Yes, Namiashi-san." She said with a nod of her head and a mischievous smile. "It all went according to plan." She laughed deviously.
"According to plan." Daiki repeated drily, as he closed the fridge and sat on one of the free seats in the small living room. It was cramped but no one really cared.
Masashi laid on the languidly on the floor with Seiji sitting cross-legged beside him.
Hayate nodded as he glanced towards Zero, a questioning look on his face and when she nodded he turned to face the others. "Apparently Zero-chan enacted a plan that lasted the better part of three years. Three years at the Academy I mean. Zero-chan made friends with the Uchiha and Uzumaki, so much so that they wanted to become a Genin team and so they rigged their grades to get sorted on a team together."
The shinobi stared at Zero who merely smiled.
Aoba sniffed, wrapping Zero in a hug again. "They grow up so damn fast." He said mournfully and then blinked and he sat up abruptly. "Wait, you're a Genin now Zero-chan." He stated.
Genma nodded slowly. "I think we all got that from her headband Aoba." He said with a gesture to said band.
Aoba shook his head. "But this means that you have missions now Zero-chan! We won't get to see you as much! What will happen when you get promoted! To Chunin and Jounin! Next thing we know you'll be taking long term missions that will take you away from the village!"
The other shinobi frowned. They had thought of that before but now it seemed like time had caught up with them.
Zero patted Aoba's back reassuringly. "You don't have to worry Aoba." She soothed. "I might not always be here since I have my duties as a shinobi but I'll always have time for you guys." She reassured, glancing at the various shinobi she's had the pleasure of meeting. They were just a fraction of the shinobi that she's met. The others didn't quite stick around for long but they showed their presence in other ways. They almost reminded her of stray cats that came back and forth as they pleased.
"Try your best to always come back Zero." Aoba said, a frown on his face. He couldn't make her promise to not get hurt. That was something no shinobi could keep. The best he could really ask for is for her effort.
Zero merely nodded. You don't have to worry Aoba or everyone else for that matter, she thought, Team Seven will be so strong you won't have to worry.
"Here kid." Genma said, shoving a book her way. "Congratulations."
Zero took the offered book and she blinked as there were more presents shoved her way. "You guys didn't have to get me anything!" She said
"We wanted to Ze-chan." Seiji cut in, a smile on his face. "Just take it Ze-chan."
If she hadn't been born in Konoha and been a civilian with no knowledge of her past life and ignorant at the dangers that the world held, she might have been slightly horrified at the gifts that they gave her but all she could feel was appreciation.
The Bingo Book would definitely be useful and Zero would be sure to memorize from cover to cover. The introduction set to poisons and paralytics was helpful too .The set of senbon had made her stare curiously but she merely made a note to practice with them and gain mastery soon. They'd come in useful with knowledge of anatomy.

 They'd come in useful with knowledge of anatomy

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