Academy Year 1 (11)

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"Alright class," Iruka started, shuffling papers in his hands idly. "It's time for lunch. You're dismissed." He announced, a small underlying tone of relief in his tone. Dealing with hyperactive children tended to require an immense amount of patience. Not to mention the trouble that they tended to get through...
As soon as he finished, the students scattered quickly to go outside and wander off. Zero however instead chose to stay inside for the day. Usually, she would eat outside under a particular tree that she had claimed for herself or even the Academy's rooftop. This time though, she just wanted to savor the quiet peacefulness that the classroom afforded.
Although, Zero stared at a figure that snuck in through a window quietly, I guess I wasn't the one with the same idea. The other stared at her with a challenging gaze, as if daring her to say anything. Zero merely gave a nod of acknowledgement.
"Uchiha-san." She greeted with indifference.
The Uchiha stared at her for moment before turning away and sitting at his usual seat as he dug into his own lunch. He disregarded her, the only other person in the room.
Zero ate her lunch, a bento made of her leftover dinner. She read a book about fuinjutsu while she ate, eyes roving over the pages quickly and intently.
Space-Time Ninjutsu (Jikūkan Ninjutsu,"Teleportation Ninjutsu" or "Transportation Techniques", Space-Time Ninja Techniques)are techniques that allow the users to manipulate the space-time continuum.By manipulating a specific point of space, the user can warp anything targeted into a dimensional void and teleport it to another location instantaneously.Space-Time Ninjutsu allows one to bypass any Barrier Ninjutsu, as barriers only extend over the dimension they are placed upon, and similarly cannot prevent Space-Time Ninjutsu users from escaping to a dimensional void and then back outside of the barrier's confines.
She looked up from her book, head turning slightly to the side as if to listen better. I thought I heard something, she thought.
" ─ where are you!" A high-pitched voice called out.
"─ are you here?"
She turned her gaze towards the Uchiha and she can sense the discontent coming from the Uchiha but she didn't really need to. It was clear enough in his furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes.
Fangirls? She wondered. "That makes sense." She muttered to herself. They were well into the first year of the Academy and the young Uchiha had already gained swarms of fangirls that increased by the day. It made Zero frown slightly because the behavior that some of the girls displayed was... extreme.
There was the sound of pounding footsteps and raised voices and Zero turned her gaze to the Uchiha, who was once again muttering curses under his breath and was making his way to the window, intent on escape but he paused and a look of extreme discontent filtered over his face before it was gone a moment later.
Zero looked out the window and she could see the girls scouring the grounds for the Uchiha. It seemed that no matter where he went, the Uchiha couldn't find a moment of reprieve from the hordes of overeager girls.
It made Zero shudder in sympathy. Jullian had seemed like a fanboy as well and there were times that his actions were... unusual and extreme to an extent, but Zero knew that his feelings for her were genuine. Jullian had told her that he had loved her when she had first shown him kindness, back when the world rained constantly around him. She had shown him the beauty and warmth of sunlight , helped him training , and show that there's more to life than loneliness. The fangirls seemed to have... less than genuine intentions, considering what she's heard. Zero had no doubt that the Uchiha knew as well. He was young but he wasn't stupid. Far from it. Zero placed aside her bento and she stood, idly wiping the imaginary dust from her clothes. She made her way to the classroom door, disregarding Sasuke's tense form. She went out the classroom and carefully closed it behind her, looking like for all intents and purposes she was going out.
"Hey you!" A girl called out, skidding to a stop before Zero.
There were other girls close behind, all of them wearing disgruntled looks. Weather it was because they couldn't find the Uchiha or if it was because of Zero herself, she didn't know, nor did she particularly care, to be honest.
"Ah." Zero muttered. "How can I help you?" She said blankly.
The girl in question, looked at Zero suspiciously. A severe frown was on her lips. "Have you seen Sasuke-kun, orphan?" She snapped.There was a series of snickers and snorted laughs and more than one girl looked cruelly amused and interested. Zero brown twitched but her face still remained neutral "Uchiha-san?" She tilted her head to the side, as if contemplating. "I think he went out to the training grounds." She answered. It was an answer that held merit, since it was something that the Uchiha might do.
Ino scoffed, "Whatever." She turned and walked away without another word. Sakura glanced at her before a frown took over her face, a vein throbbing violently on her forehead. "Hey! Don't think you can get a head start and hog Sasuke-kun all to yourself Ino-pig!" She yelled, running after the blond a moment later.The girls perked up in interest and soon they too were running after the others, shouting and shoving their way as they realized that they would need to hurry lest they miss their chance with their 'precious Sasuke-kun'. Zero stared at them for a moment before she quietly made her way back to the classroom.
The Uchiha was staring out the window with much less tension than before. "Uchiha-san, the others aren't here anymore. I told them you went to the training grounds." She said, casually sitting back in her seat as if nothing happened. She continued to eat her food in elegant gestures.There was silence for a few brief moments and from the corner of her eye she saw the black - haired boy move back to his seat, eating his own lunch with much less tension than before, not saying a word and merely keeping to herself she returned her attention to her food.
When Zero goes home, she's always greeted by silence.There were scrolls and books scattered all around the living room. Aside from the large single couch she had stretched along a wall and the small coffee table in front of it, there wasn't much to see. The kitchen table was a small thing with only enough chairs to seat four people. Her bedroom was small. A bed was pushed against a corner of the room with the window right above it. Beside her bed was a wardrobe that contained the majority of Zero shinobi wear. The rest of her more casual clothing was eighter inside her small closet or in her requip dimension. A full-length mirror was hanged on a wall.It was a small and meager home, but again, it was hers. For the rest of the day she continued with her research for the hiraishin.
School seemed to pass by in a blur for Zero. It was yet again another day in the Academy and by now she's claimed a permanent seat. She sat next to the Uchiha while the other sat beside the window. The remaining free seat that was left beside Zero was always occupied by a series of people. It was a seat that was more reserved for the last person to arrive since people were reluctant to sit next to Zero, notably the civilians. To Zero, it seemed that Sasuke didn't care for her presence but she got the sense that he preferred to have her than any of the other girls obsessed over him. Children are annoying , Zero knew but she never would have guessed to the sheer extent of it. It seemed that her new nickname was 'Orphan' on behalf of many of the students, even those outside her class. Various Clan members were baffled at the term and some even seemed slightly offended but no one made a move to stop it. She understood. If you were different you stood out and children were quick to make judgment if it was the sort of good different or the bad kind of different. If it was something that wasn't... approved then they were quick to point it, quick to judge, quick to label and mock. It was sort of like a herd mentality and everyone had to follow and if you went against it then you were just as bad. No one would want that because then it meant that they would pick on them next. It was a fear of retaliation. Then again that how narrow minded humans are and she doesn't really care what they call her since they don't stand in her way she won't bother with them. If they stand in the way of her goals? well then there would be a few less people to become shinobi.
She spent her days alone and idly watched the world around her. When group projects and assignments, Zero frequently requested that she work alone, so much so that Iruka allowed for it without her needing to ask anymore. He'd give her concerned looks and frowns of contemplation but since she never really made a complaint, he never did anything.She could have worked with Sasuke but the other was snatched away by the girls before Zero could do anything. Not to mention that the few, rare times that Zero did manage to it would incite the rage of the girls to a point that was simply astounding and annoying.
This was one of those few times.
"I'll be back class. Keep working on your assignments!" Iruka announced sternly before leaving the classroom, closing the door behind him as he did so.Their assignment was fairly easy and straight forward. It was a packet of key terms that they had to complete relating to a broad range of shinobi fields, from chakra to elemental affinities and even to weapons. Both students were required to place effort and Iruka had warned that he'd know if they weren't helping their partners. He was scary that way.
So far, Zero and Sasuke had worked in silence. Speaking wasn't really necessary. They had just divided the terms evenly between them, not even asking if the other knew them or not and filled their part, passing it to the other when they finished their assigned portion. Zero was confident that Sasuke could complete it without her aid and easily get them all correct. She knew she could too.The entirety of the class was silent for a moment, staring at the door before there was a cacophony of sound, the sound of children free of authority.
"Zero switch with me!" A pink haired form ambled towards Zero's way, green eyes glaring fiercely towards the silver haired girl. "I can help Sasuke-kun better than you can!"

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