Another friend (17)

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"Uzumaki-san." Zero said, approaching the other

" Zero said, approaching the other

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as everyone bounded their way out of class in a hurry to get out of the Academy

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as everyone bounded their way out of class in a hurry to get out of the Academy. "Can I talk to you?"
Naruto blinked in surprise before rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner, "Yeah, of course Zero-chan! And you don't have to call me that. Just call me Naruto -dattebayo!"
Zero nodded before she motioned for him to follow her. She lead to the other to a secluded part of Konoha, a place that she now often frequented, that its, the top of the Hokage Mountain. The view was always so beautiful and it always offered a nice view of the sky.
Naruto followed her all the while filling the air with chatter from everything to anything. He was surprised when Zero never interrupted him. Usually people didn't have the patience to deal with him, usually got annoyed as soon as he opened his mouth so to have Zero genuinely listening to him was comforting.
"What did you need Zero-chan?" He asked curiously, sitting beside Zero as they dangled their legs from the side of the Hokage Mountain. Every so often, his eyes would drift to her hair and he wondered whether or not the other missed her longer hair.
"I noticed that you were having some problems in class, Naruto-kun." Zero said, continnuing to explain when she noticed him stiffen. "I'm just worried."
Naruto frowned, torn between being offended because of his pride or discomfort.
"I've noticed that you've had some problems in the Academy for a while and I know you try hard." Zero said. "I've seen you trying to perform the bushin a dozen times and it never comes out quite right." That was putting it mildly. Naruto's clones always looked half dead.

"And I've heard the others call you Dead Last, which was totally uncalled for

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"And I've heard the others call you Dead Last, which was totally uncalled for..."
Naruto winced at the name and he sighed heavily, feeling weary all of the sudden.
Zero watched him for a moment before turning her gaze to the sky. "Have you tried asking for help?"
Naruto's eyes darkened. "I've tried to ask for help before." He said quietly. "The teachers don't like me much at all. I've always had trouble in the Academy Zero-chan but I know I can do it! I know that I can graduate but no one's willing to give me the chance and ugh─" Naruto groaned, glaring at the sky as he flopped on his back. "I can never do those stupid jutsu they want us to learn. I'm not smart like you or Saku─ like Haruno."
Haruno, not Sakura-chan. He'd realized that he couldn't like her anymore... not after what she'd done. Not to mention, it hurt to keep being ignored by her, hurt to be hit the way she did. He saw a new side of her and he'd realized that he'd blinded himself, didn't see the hate in her until it was too late.
"You are smart Naruto-kun." Zero reassured, "You're just smart in a different way. I've seen how elaborate your pranks are, Naruto-kun. I can't imagine the amount of time that you took to plan them, not to mention for them to work on shinobi." She said.
Naruto fidgeted slightly, feeling hesitant at the praise the girl gave him. "R-Really?"
Zero nodded. "As for why you can't do that jutsu Naruto-kun, it's because you have a lot of chakra and no control." She explained, poking a finger at his chest. "The jutsu that they want us to learn only needs a small amount of chakra but with your control and reserves it's impossible to perform. It's like trying to filter a waterfall through a small point." She said.
"But then what do I do? How can I learn? How can I stop failing?" Naruto said, pulling at his hair in frustration. "How can I get people to take me more seriously? No one does!" He swallowed heavily, doubt coiling in his chest. He's hid so long behind a veneer of smiles and jokes that he didn't know how to be himself anymore. Didn't know how to let go of the mask.
"You need to prove them wrong Naruto and to do that you have to ignore their thoughts about you and be yourself , let them see that their thoughts are not important to you ." Zero said, hovering over the other with a fierce look in her eyes. "You need to show them that you are capable, that you can be better than the others. You're an Uzumaki, Naruto. Greatness is already in your blood."
Naruto's eyes widened but then he frowned in confusion. "Wait what? What do you mean?"
Zero blinked. "You're an Uzumaki?"
"No the other thing!"
"... Greatness is already in your blood?"
He nodded. "Yeah, what did you mean by that?"
Zero paused. "Don't you know? About the Uzumaki?" She saw the confusion in his eyes. "Uzushio?" Still, there was no recognition in his eyes. "How could you not know Naruto-kun? The Uzumaki is a shinobi clan, Naruto-kun. I knew you were an orphan but I thought you'd know about your heritage."
"I have a clan?!" Naruto said in shock, eyes wide in disbelief.
"The Uzumaki were one of the most revered clans in Uzushio, the sister village of Konoha." She explained. Why didn't he know? Did no one tell him? "The Uzumaki were feared and respected throughout the Elemental Countries because of their fuinjutsu, not to mention their Kekkei Genkai."
"I─ What." Naruto made a strangled sound in the back of his throat.
Zero frowned. "The Uzumaki Clan were wiped out in the Second Shinobi War, unfortunately. They were from Uzushiogakure and they were very prominent there. They were to Uzushio as the Uchiha Clan is to Konoha.It's because of the close ties that Konoha has with Uzushio that we wear their symbol." She said, pointing to a spiral on his clothes.

"Uzushio is considered as Konoha's greatest mistake and failure

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"Uzushio is considered as Konoha's greatest mistake and failure. Konoha didn't arrive on time to help save the village and it's not really talked about but I think it's more like people have forgotten about them."
Naruto's mind raced at the information being given. He tried to understand but there was one thought that repeating itself. "I had a clan... family." He said, quiet and longing, tinged with sadness. "Why didn't I ever know? I don't even know who my parents were!" He pressed the palms of his heels harshly against his eyes, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. "I've been so alone─"
Zero heart broke for him, it really did and it struck her particularly hard because like Sasuke, she understood his pain. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're not alone, Naruto-kun." She said this genuinely. "I know it feels that way, but you're not. I'll help you through this all." She promised.
Naruto lunged forward, wrapping his arms around the other as he cried. "T-Thank you so much Zero." He sobbed.
"What are friends for then Naruto-kun, if not to help one another?" She murmured comfortingly.

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