New Beginning

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A black Toyota car stops infront of a building whose sign on its gate read "Special Crime Bureau"

A man in his late 20s gets out of the car. Taking the last puff of his cigarette he throws it on the ground and squashes it with his shoe.

He grabs his black coat from the car, puts it on and walks towards the building.

"Gather all the pictures of the crime scene and bring it here" a man, wearing a light blue shirt and white jeans, talks over the phone while sitting in his cubicle "no no i just want them right now!!" he yells and puts down the phone

"god i badly need a cigarette" he grabs his hair in frustration

"want me to join you??"

Hoseok turns around to find his best friend and new crime partner, Jeon Jungkook standing near the door showing his bunny teeth

"kook" hoseok yells in joy and runs to hug the boy. After all the best friends were meeting after so many years.

"god man i missed you i missed you so f**** much" he hugs him tightly

"i missed you too man, busan was never the same without you" says jungkook

"and i couldn't find anyone like you in Seoul" they finally let go of each other.

Hoseok brings jungkook to a cubicle "so this will be your cubicle" he says showing him the cubicle which was already filled with files.

"okay i can see the files already" jungkook starts looking at them

"yeah" hoseok rubs his neck "you know the case right? Its already a bit complicated so boss really wants you to get on it quickly... speaking of which why dont we go and meet the boss eh?"

"yeah sure" jungkook says enthusiastically

"Good morning sir" Jungkook greets his boss, the chief, a 55 year old man with brown hair and a stern face. He was wearing a grey suit with red tie

"Good morning Jungkook, welcome to the crime bureau of Seoul. Your previous head in busan praised you alot. He claims that you are one of the best he has seen" he says while sitting on his chair behind desk.

Jungkook smiles. He remembers how his previous boss warned him about the sterness of the chief and hiw he can be really difficult at times

This will be fun thinks jungkook

"I believe hoseok has already kept all the files on your table you can finish reading them by to--

" umm no need sir i have already gone through them"says jungkook

Both the men look at him, surprised.

"i ordered the photocopies of those files last week and got them in my office in busan, so i already know about the case".

Hoseok sighs. "typical kook" he murmurs

"thats pretty impressive jungkook, so tell me what you know so far" asks the chief

"there has been 4 murders so far in different places in Seoul. All the victims were killed in the same manner with the same weapon. All the victims were some of the most influential people in the country"

"there is another common thing between these victims" chief says quitely.

"yes sir" Jungkook takes a breath "All four of them had some charges against them and were either on bail or declared non guilty. After the killer killed them, a note was placed beside them which mentioned all the crimes committed by the individual and at the bottom the killer always writes
" I have done what the law couldn't do.... Justice has been served" " jungkook finally lets go of the breath he did not realize he was holding.

The chief gets up from the chair. Both the officers also attempt to get up but he asks them to remain seated.

" boys, this is not an ordinary case. This is the first time that the public is sympathizing with the killer not the victim. This is like the killer is telling the people that the law is useless and people are believing him" he turns around to look at the officers

"we need to sort it out as soon as possible and I want you two to get to work immediately" he says with a stern voice

Both of them gets up bows down and leaves the room

"man you were impressive" says hoseok putting an arm around his buddy

"no man i dont think he is impressed, lets just solve the case and get those promotions we deserve" he shows his bunny teeth and sits on his chair in the cubicle

"no man i dont think this one will be easy" hoseok shakes his head

Jungkook smirk "i am telling you this will be easy, no one can stop me from catching this bustard" he takes the dart and throws it on the green board.

"how many times have I told you all not to play dart inside the classroom" yells the headmistress, through her gritted teeth, taking the dart out of the board

All the boys in the class gets silenced

"now tell me who threw it" she says with the dart in her hand

The boys are looking at each other too afraid to talk

"umm ma'am i did it actually" someone from the back raises his hand

The headmistress widens her eyes

"come to my room please" saying that she leaves

"I cannot believe this, you ARE A TEACHER KIM TAEHYUNG" she turns around and looks at the boy

A 25 year old 5 feet 10 inch lean body boy with deep black hair looks at her, guilty written all over his face.

"Ma'am it was the recess going on and i was just playing with the students" scrunching his nose he says as softly as possible.

She sighs "Taehyung you are one of the most talented teachers we have and i believe also one of the most popular" she pauses "but that doesn't mean you will not act like a teacher"

"ah don't worry ma'am i will take care of it from next time" he says

"leave now"

Taehyung takes a bow and leaves the room

As soon as he reaches the classroom all the students surround him

Are they going to throw you out?

What did she say?

Are you okay?

Is everything alright

The 25 year old was now surrounded with the curious eyes of 14 year olds.

"yeah she told me i can't be your teacher anymore" he said with a straight face

"whaatttttt" they all yelled in unison

"oh god stop being so dramatic relax, i will always be your teacher till death do us apart" then showing his boxy smile he stands infront of the board which says

"English literature class"

Please do let me know what you think about the chapter and if i need any sort of improvement in my witting

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Please do let me know what you think about the chapter and if i need any sort of improvement in my witting.

Thank you for reading

Love you 💜

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