"Lets meet again"

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Taehyung looks at the disgusting creature standing infront of him. He is smiling, more like expressing his power and arrogance. The power of being untouchable, being that man who can get away with anything he wants even something as horrible as murder

His skin crawls seeing that smile, why is he happy? How is HE HAPPY?? Why did he get away with it?? Why didnt he get punished??

He wants to go and grab him and stab him and make him feel that pain that those innocent men did because of him. But Taehyung cannot move he cannot budge from his place even though he tries too desperately.

"Hello Taehyung"

He hears a voice alot like his, he looks at his side and his eyes widen in disbelief. Is he looking at a mirror? No that can be it. This person even though he looks like him he still is different. His hair is not wavy like his instead its perfectly straight. He wears earrings where as Taehyung loathes accessories. His eyes are dark whereas his are light.

"W-who are you?" The words stumble out of his lips

He smirks "Dont you see? I am you Taehyung!"

Taehyung shakes his head "No. This cant be..you are....i"

"I am YOU, Taehyung. I am just a BETTER version of you" he puts pressure on the word "better"

"I am stronger than you more powerful than YOU! I do what you do not have the guts to do. I take the revenge for YOU" His voice was so deep and husky it felt like it was echoing

"You take revenge for-rr me?" Taehyung again looks at that disgusting man standing near the isolated Alley talking over the phone boasting his victory over the murder case

"You see that man Taehyung? These creatures do not deserve to live and this world is too biased and fragile to punish them. Its not a fair world, no one gets justice here. So we need to take things in our hand to bring justice to the world"

The words echo in his head, he is right. Indeed it is an unfair world

"Tell me Taehyung do you think that, that murderer deserves to smile? Deserves to be HAPPY?" He talks very close to taehyung's ear

He shakes his head "No"

"So what should we do Taehyung?" His voice in a way hypnotises Taehyung as if he is spellbounded by that shrewd voice

"Punish him" it comes out as whisper but still sharp and clear

Grinning he advances towards that man who gets startled to see him there.

With widened eyes and agape mouth Taehyung watches him slit that man's throat. He turns around as the lifeless body falls to the ground with a thud.
He is all covered in blood but there is a big grin spread across his face. He is proud of his deed

"I did what you couldn't"

The sound of screeching brakes pull him out of his daze and the first thing Taehyung sees is the dead body with the slit throat......

"No no no no no" he mumbles kneeling to the ground and then he sees the weapon in his hand which he instantly throws away. His eyes are filled with tears as his body trembles uncontrollably "this cannot be happening no please no" he looks down at his own body and realizes he is covered in blood but its not his...

"Put your hands up and get away from the body."

Taehyung hears a voice and understands there is police behind him

But he is too stunned to move.

"I said put your hands up!!" The officer yells

He shakingly does

"Now stand up and get away from the body" the officer commands. Due to the darkness he cannot see the face of criminal, that is why he slowly advances towards him with gun in his hand. He then speaks on his walky talky "I am near the 5th Avenue Ally, send backup. A man is down the attacker is still here. Send backup, I repeat send backup"

Taehyung doesnt understand what is happening but he doesnt want to be here any longer he cannot handle all this he just can't

So before the officer could lay hand on him he runs. As fast as he could

"HEYY STOP" He yells

Taehyung keeps sprinting without looking back. He needs to get away from all this...this cannot be true this cannot be happening!! He is not a murderer no!! No this cannot be true!! He is Kim Taehyung, a teacher he cannot be this!! Warm tears roll down his cheeks as he keeps running away. He could hear the voice of the officer behind, he hasnt lost him yet.

Taehyung reaches the end of a cliff below which is the mighty river.

"You have come to your end" the officer shouts "Surrender or I will shoot".

Taehyung looks at the water below. The officer's voice doesnt reach him any more because he is engrossed in his own thoughts

Maybe this is what I should do. I should embrace death. A monster like me shouldnt live. I am selfish I am dangerous...I harm people...kill them. No one deserves me in their lives. I am a burden

Namjoon's face appears infront of his eyes

Hyung suffered because of me

He closes his eyes and he sees him

Their first encounter....that bike ride...in the hospital....prom

You shouldnt be with me Jungkook ...you shouldnt....i will only make your life miserable....you deserve better...

"Taehyung" he hears a voice, his favourite voice

"Please listen"

But maybe it was too late, Taehyung had already made up his mind.

He opens his eyes and smiles

"Lets meet again Jin Hyung"

A loud splash is heard that echoes through the area.....

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