Love is weird

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Author's note: I am really sorry for being so late with the update. It is really silly but the news of BTS's supposed break really hit me hard and I kind of lost the motivation to write. I was really upset about it as I have always admired all 7 of them and not any one in particular so the idea of not seeing them together was kind of getting on to me. But then I understood how much they need this break and what it actually means for their own health. So I am getting over that and trying to motivate myself to write again.

Hope you guys will understand

Thank you for all the love ❤️

As Taehyung opened his eyes he felt a piercing pain through his skull.

"Urghh" he clutched his head.

"What the fuck is this pain...was I drunk??" He mumbles rubbing his forehead.

Suddenly some bits and pieces of last night flashes infront of his eyes. Its all blurry and vague but suddenly one moment flashes clearly infront of his eyes one memory that is as clear as water......

Jungkook on the floor looking at Taehyung with FEAR.

Taehyung jolts up "what the fuck was that"

He sits up on the bed "jung-jungkook did we have a fight or---"

He is at a loss, trying to figure out if it was actually a piece of memory or dream?

But this isnt the first time where he was confused between dream an reality.

This has happened before aswell but he would always shrug it off thinking it wasnt a big deal. Not until now. Till the time it was related to Jungkook.

He quickly got off the bed and changed to his work clothes.

"Tae" Namjoon called him out as he was about to step out of the house to go to Jungkook's place

"Yeah hyung" he answered in a hurry

Namjoon could sense the distraught in his brother, he surely is upset or worried.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeahh umm yeah hyung I am getting late for work sorry" with that he rushes off

As soon as Taehyung gets out he spots Jungkook standing near the elevator.

"Jungkook" he calls out but with out sparing any glance at him jungkook gets into the elevator leaving behind a confused,frowning Taehyung

Did he ignore me??

The last encounter that they had there Jungkook confessed his love for him and he confessed his. But little did taehyung know how much had changed since then....

"Maybe he didnt notice"

Thinking that he shrugged off the doubts and set off for work.

It was 8:30 pm. For the tenth time Taehyung came out of his house to see if Jungkook was home but to his dismay the revenatte was still not home. And the whole day Jungkook didn't pick up his calls,

"Maybe he is Busy"

That's what he told himself and try to calm himself down but somewhere he was a bit puzzled. Why is the man who confessed that he loves him is now totally ignoring him

Taehyung was an adamant species so he decided that he will sit outside Jungkook's house as long as he doesnt come

And that's what he did

Now it was 10:30. Taehyung was sitting there for the last 2 hours but no Jungkook

Finally he heard the elevator tinged!

As it opened Jungkook stepped out with several files in his hand

Even though Taehyung was pissed and tired as soon as he saw Jungkook a wide smile formed on his face. Its like he totally forgot that he was mad at him

Love is such a weird stupid thing right?

Jungkook halted as he saw Taehyung standing there. His face was stoic but there was a storm going on in his mind

"Jeon Jungse killed Taehyung's brother"

He saw Taehyung looking at him with a boxy smile but he was too lost and too broken to return that smile.

He slowly walked towards him

"Where have you been the whole day?" Asked Taehyung slightly punching his chest

As Jungkook watched him blabber about how he was pissed at him the flashes of last night appeared infront of his eyes

He could see V in Taehyung

That same face yet different voices

The same person yet different souls

How can they be so different....

He watched him in awe but was soon taken out of the trance by Taehyung

"Kook are you listening??"

Jungkook closed his eyes and shook his head "yeah umm yeah" he clears his throat "I am very tired Tae see you tomorrow okay"

Even before Taehyung could say anything Jungkook quickly got in his house and shut the door.

Before when Jungkook used to shut the door on his face he would protest but this time he didn't he stood there.

Somewhere Taehyung could sense that pain in Jungkook's voice. He could see his broken soul even though it was concealed by the tough demeanour. So, he decided to give him some space. To priorities his feelings, he suppressed his own. Yes, Taehyung was hurt and he wanted to talk to Jungkook but he also
understood that kook was hurt so he forgot about his pain and did what Jungkook wanted

Leave him alone.

As Taehyung walked away without saying anything Jungkook stood against the closed door inside his dark lonely house

He heard Taehyung close his door quietly and even though he couldn't see it, he could sense the disappointment in him. And that broke him more.

Love is again so weird right? You forget your own pain when you see them in pain.

He slides down and sits on the floor

I am so sorry Taehyung...

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