Eye To Eye

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"Jungkook you are an extremely capable officer but think it through again" said the Chief sitting on his chair opposite Jungkook who was going through all the files again.

Jungkook looked up at him "I did sir this is the only way, we did everything we could but still couldn't catch him. Now one criminal will help us with the other" the chief just nodded allowing jungkook to proceed with the plan.

He took all the files and went towards the hard interview room.

He stood there for a while just like the previous time, this time also he needed courage to face the man who ruined his childhood.

Sighing he went inside and found Jung Jungse sitting on the chair in an extremely nonchalant manner. It seemed like the man has come to a leisure park.

Jungkook went and took the seat opposite him.

"Why am i being called again? My lawyer took care of everything" he said leaning back on the chair

Jungkook recalled their last encounter and how he had to let Jungse go because his lawyers "took care of it"

Jungkook smirked "You know Mr. Jungse today we have called you here not for interrogation but for a help"

Jungse smirked "off course you guys are only about money huh? Tell me how much" donation " should I give?"

Jungkook kept his face straight "no you can keep it. We need your help to catch a criminal"

Jungse raised his eyebrow "do you think I am a fool?". I will risk my precious life to help you guys?? He scoffed "this ain't a movie kid"

Jungkook scoffed at how highly this man thinks of himself "I don't like to beat around the bush Jungse, you will help us or" he pushes the files towards him "every single one of these will be out in the media"

Jungse for the first time seemed to be a little bothered by some words. Slowly he took the files and read each of them one by one. Jungkook watched how his "father's" expression changed from relaxed to panic to anger.

Jungse shot up his eyes which was now filled with aggression "are you blackmailing me?" he said through gritted teeth. Jungkook leaned forward and kept his hand on the table bringing his face closer to his.

"what do you think jungse? What will happen when the media will get to know about all these?? Hmm??"

Jungse looked at him for a while both looked at each other... Eye to eye.

Anger took over jungse and with all his strength he threw all the files on the ground and stood up

" You have no fucking idea who i am officer"he yelled at jungkook, who remained sitted on his chair least bothered by his actions. Jungkook leaned back on the chair and clenched his hands together over his lap. Jungse was looking at him with aggressive eyes but jungkook just had a satisfied smile on his face "Trust me Jeon Jungse I am the ONLY one who knows perfectly well who YOU ARE" he glared at the man who stood infront of him exhaling sharply.

"I don't fucking care!! i will not help you or your filthy team!" saying that he turns around and was about to leave when he hears something... His own voice. He turns around and looks at the tv which was at the corner of the room.

There was a video playing in the TV showing a helpless man kneeling infront of Jungse who was uttering the ruthless words and within a blink of an eye he shot the man and the video ended jerking up Jungse a bit.

He was so lost in that video that he didn't even notice jungkook standing just behind him

He startled when he turned and found a smirking officer looking at him just at one hand distance.

"How will your lawyers take care of this Jungse hmmm??" he said stepping forward making Jungse taking steps backward until his back met the wall.

"Now you will do every single thing we ask you to do and you will not utter a single word about it to anyone is that clear JUNGSE?" he said in a deep intimidating voice with his eyes looking right into Jungse.

Jungkook took out a paper and placed it on the table" sign it" and jungse as if in a hypnotised state took the pen and signed. After that the man just ran away from the room like a scared cat.

After a while hobi enters

"Is it done?"

Jungkook shows him the paper with Jungse's sign confirming that he agrees to be a part of this mission with his full consent.

"i never thought he will agree I thought he will again show off his power" says hobi looking at the papers.

"I told you he is a coward deep down inside you just need to scare him a bit and he will be nothing but a puppet" says jungkook taking the paper back from Hoseok

"So we are ready to catch him afterall?"

Jungkook looks at him "This time I will catch him no matter what!!" he takes out a cigarette, lights it up and exhales the smoke "and this time i will put an end to him and his filthy games!!"

Jungkook looks at him "This time I will catch him no matter what!!" he takes out a cigarette, lights it up and exhales the smoke "and this time i will put an end to him and his filthy games!!"

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Jung Jungse - Jungkook's father

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Jung Jungse - Jungkook's father

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