Hide And Seek

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The elevator door was about to close when somebody put his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

The door opened wide and taehyung stepped in.

"Hey neighbour" he called out to the only person in the elevator, Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook was a bit confused at first that what he should do, but then again he recalled what taehyung said

"i have always been nice to you"

Which is true he has always been nice to him so being rude to taehyung wouldn't make any sense.

So he just smiled and nodded

"big improvement" taehyung thought to himself and smiled back.

Jungkook was sitting in the gloomy room which had just one yellow light. He hears the recording again and again.

Somewhere he doesn't know why but whenever he listened to the recording, he felt he has heard the voice it had some resemblance to someone but he just couldn't pin point, who.

Just then Hoseok's comes into the room

"Kook, Mrs. Welsh is here"

A middle age woman with curly blond hair and in light blue dress was sitting in the couch opposite Jungkook and Hoseok.

"i dont know why would anyone kill my baby, he was such a good man" she said wiping her tears

Jungkook rolled his eyes while hobi tried really hard to maintain a straight face.

"Mrs.Welsh we are really sorry for your loss but could you please tell us anything unusual that happened in the days before he passed away. We know he was getting blackmailed" jungkook said while holding the file with all the details. He was trying really hard to be patient with the woman who considered her greedy husband to be nothing but a saint.

"yes my husband was getting blackmailed but he was too afraid to tell the police. The man wanted him to tell the world that he was a greedy man" she hiccuped "that ba**** even had the audacity to break into our house"

Both hobi and jungkook sat straight in her last sentence

"he broke into your house?? When?" asked hobi leaning abit forward

"just 2 days before my darling died, we were sleeping at night and David went downstairs for water, suddenly he screamed and I went down as well and saw" she gulped "saw that on mirror he had written 'confess' and and and h-he-he slaughtered our dog" with that she burst into tears

Hobi and jungkook looked at each other

"Mrs.Welsh what happened to the dog's body and the writing on the mirror?" asked Jungkook

"we buried Pluto and wiped everything so that no one knows what happened there, we were too scared" she blew her nose into her handkerchief

Jungkook closed his fist and tightened his jaw, irritated that these people did not bother to inform the police about such an incident but then suddenly something struck him

"Mrs. Welsh your house has cctv right?"


He looked at hobi who gave him a nod.

Now both the men were looking at the cctv of 17 June the day that murderer intruded that house.

Jungkook looked very attentively at the screen and then, then there he was

"there" hobi pointed at the man who climbed down the wall and went to the main door.

The cctv camera at the main door made it more clear to see the man

Jungkook's eyes were all looking at the man in the hoodie.

He was wearing a mask thus it was pretty difficult to figure out the face but one thing was for sure he was pretty tall and had lean body. Seemed young.

Jungkook watched as he somehow unlocked the door and got in.

After a while he got out, walking so casually as if he is just getting out of his own house for a stall.

"no fear" murmured Jungkook.

"it seems like he is not at all scared of getting caught" said hobi

"but then why is he hiding his face?" jungkook rubs his chin trying to understand the mind of the maniac

He paused the video and zoomed in trying hard to figure out the face but luck didn't favor him at all.

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