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"come on yoongi tell us who is it" insisted Hoseok. He was trying super hard for his friend to say the name of the person he likes.

Yoongi refused to open his mouth "you will make a fuss about it"

Hoseok gasps "me??? I never make a fuss man"

Both jungkook and yoongi bursts out laughing

"hobi you are a man child when it comes to these things and stop bugging yongs if he doesn't want to say let it be" said jungkook

"oh kook stop being so boring! Yoongs tell us i promise i wont make a fuss" hobi pleaded

Yoong looked at both his friends while hobi was looking at him with curiosity jungkook had an assuring look on his face, something like its ok if you don't want to say.

"its very complicated Hoseok" yoong said quietly

"love is meant to be complicated yoongs the greatest love stories are always complicated" Hoseok takes a sip of his drink.

As the boys were talking two men entered the bar which grabbed jungkook's attention

"you have got to be kidding me" he scoffed

Both yoongi and Hoseok turned to see who it was

Yoongi immediately blushed like a 14 year old and Hoseok was confused

"who are they?" he asked

"well one is Yoongi's assistant and the other" he huffed "is my neighbour"

"ooh both are very handsome and why my man yoongs here is blushing" Hoseok put his hand on his shoulder

Yoongi immediately straightened his face

I just hope this taehyung doesn't see me thought jungkook

Oh well jungkook's luck was totally not favouring him.

"neighbourrrrr" yelled taehyung waving at Jungkook

Jungkook closed his eyes in irritation.

"look your love is here too" tae whispered in jimin's ear, who just started getting a bit nervous

Taehyung dragged jimin to the booth where they were sitting. Flaunting his adorable boxy smile he greeted them all

"hi I am taehyung, jimin's friend and jungkook 's neighbour"

Jungkook was busy drinking his beer least bothered to even look at Taehyung.

Hoseok greeted him "nice to meet you and nice to see you outside work jimin".

Jimin gave a nervous smile.

"nice to see you here neighbour" said taehyung smiling at jungkook, who just looked at him once and got back to his drink. The fact that he was irritated was so evident on Jungkook 's face which awaken the mischievous kid inside his best friend.

"hey why dont you guys join us" said Hoseok pressing his lips and looking at Jungkook who widened his eyes and looked at hobi

"sure" shrugged taehyung

Jimin went to bring a chair and taehyung sat beside Jungkook

"so do you guys come here often" asked hobi looking at taehyung and time to time sparing some glances at kook

Yoongi on the other hand, was getting a bit shy to look at jimin and jimin was not being able to believe his luck that he was meeting with Yoongi outside work.

"yeah actually my brother sings here, so jimin and I often come here... Oh look he is coming now" taehyung pointed at the little stage on the corner of the room. It had just one stool and a standing mic with red lights on the ceiling . The bar itself was a bit gloomy.

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