Chapter 1

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Okay, I didn't see whole movie, just few clips, but it was enough to write this fic. If I'll make a mistake, please, correct me.


She had dark blood on her hands. Bog lay near, bloodied and unconscious. His wings have been torn from his back. She had to help him. With difficulty, limping, she came closer. At the sight of her, his eyes showed fear.

"Please, don't," he whispered, "Marianne, I beg you"

Her fingers tightened on her lover's throat and she pulled out a knife. The sun, I don't want do it, I can't! But her body was not listening. Marianne was just a passive observer. The knife was stabbed in the heart.

And then Marianne woke up. She was in her own bed, in own bedroom. No blood, no knives. Just flowers and her younger sister.

"Good morning, sis!" Dawn flew into the room of her older sister. "Tomorrow Spring Ball, you have to get ready! "

"Dawn, stop chirp!" Marianne moaned, covering her ears, "My head hurts, and... Hey, it's a new dress?"

"Yup!" confirmed the younger princess. Dress was up to her knees, was light blue with pink edge of the skirt. "A gift from Sunny"

"Pretty" said Marianne and hid her head under pillow.

"Oh, so you don't go visit Boggy?" asked Dawn "He send the message about that he invites you to New Castle"

"Okay" dark-haired fairy stood up and took clothes out of the closet "Tell dad I'm in Dark Forest, okay?"

"Sure. Nice fun!" and Dawn flew out from room. Marianne sighed. Her little sister was really darling. And annoying sometimes.

Dark-haired fairy wore brown leggings, brown heeled boots and a dark green sleeveless blouse. She put a sword on belt and flew to the new headquarters of goblins.


"Do it"


"Do it, I say it the last time!"


"You both want this"

"No. Well, yes, but not now"

"Be a man!"

"Mother, please! I'm not ready for that!" The Bog King could argue for hours with his mother, but she usually still give priority to his.

"You love Marianne, or not?" Griselda looked menacingly at his son.

"This look worked before I dropped the first skin," Bog snorted, "Mother, I need a little more time!"

"If you think that you can wait for the winter, you're wrong!" mother wagged a finger at him like at little child.

"Okay, okay" he capitulated. "I'll tell her. In a week"



New Bog's Castle was a little bigger than previous one. It was covered here and there with moss and various wild vines. It had a gate made of wolf skull. Close to it a beautiful, large pond was. Above the castle grew beautiful cherry tree. Small pink flowers bloomed. Marianne guessed who chose the location. Attempts at resistance, consisting of arguing, strikes and secretly sending goblin-builders in the other place, have failed.

"Hi, Princess Marianne" standing guard Thang and Stuff greeted her "Nice outfit"

"Hi, guys, thank you" Marianne smiled, "Bog's here?"

"FORGET IT, THERE'S NOT SUCH OPTION!" they heard the shout that startled the birds in area and was probably heard in the capital of Fairy Kingdom.

"And what do you think?" goblin similar to fish grinned, "You'll get to the throne room?"

"No problem, if he is going to yelled" fairy came to the castle "See ya' later, guys"

Good, that Bog had a loud voice, 'cause corridors created some sick maze and it was easy to get lost there. The air smelled of grass, rotting leaves and... watercress?

"Mother, this is not a good idea," the voice of the king of the moors testified that she was in right way "We're together just three months,"

"Your father and I did it a month," said Griselda clearly annoyed, "Oh, I'll die before I hear the patter of small feet in these halls!"

"Mom, don't be so dramatic!" Now Bog was angry, "You will have a patter: cockroaches will soon give us a hard time!"

"Don't turn things upside down!" roared female goblin. The atmosphere became dangerously dense.

"I hope I don't disturb you" Marianne emerged from the shadows. Bog and Griselda looked at her surprised.

"Mari, sweetie!" the king's mother first come to her senses and hugged girl tightly, "How nice of you to visit us! But you could anticipate, then you do not have a treat"

"Why: anticipate?" Marianne raised an eyebrow, "It's Bog has sent a message"

"I posted nothing" Bog shook his head, "Mother?"

"Don't look at me; It's your relationship" said Griselda.


"Well, maybe it's Dawn" sighed Marianne. "She is able to do such thing"

"Well, kids" female goblin headed for the kitchen," I'll cook something, and you try not to destroy the new furniture"

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