Chapter 6

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"Okay, I admit, it wasn't a good idea with this bashing" Bog sighed, pressing the cold compress to black eye. He was in Marianne's room. Small, colored pixies brought bandages, ointments, herbs assist in the healing of wounds and similar items. By the way, they terrible complained. "But he really riled me"

"To put it mildly" Marianne folded her arms across her chest. On her cheek was a bruise, and the skirt of her dress was torn,"Yet a little while and he would be dead"

"You regret that this hasn't happened, huh?" Goblin King grinned. Fairy giggled. Dawn rolled her eyes.

"You two are impossible" blonde sighed, shaking her head and suddenly smiled, "And that's why you match so wonderfully!"

She hugged them both. They complained. How such a little thing could be so strong?

"Dawn, can you let us go? You squeeze a bit too much," Marianne said, patting her sister back.

"I'm sorry!" The younger princess quickly let go them, "I just... I'm glad that you're happy together! Has he engaged to you already?"

"Dawn!" Bog turned red as a beet "Not time yet!"

He quickly pushed blonde behind door and locked the room. He sighed heavily. Marianne looked at him suspiciously.

"Damn, the next one" he muttered, rubbing his forehead, "I'll be going crazy"

"I see that someone knows something I don't know," said Marianne pressing her lover to the door "And I don't like to not knowing. So?"

"It's just that..." Bog muttered something under his breath. Red on his cheeks was very clear. Marianne raised an eyebrow. Oh boy. He was going to break himself and will tell everything. Damn it! "My mother is pushing me to say you it!" he shouted with the speed of a machine gun.

"Wait, you mean IT?!" Marianne paled.

"Aye!" Bog was already impossibly red.

"Oh God!" fairy grabbed her head.

"I knew it!" Dawn whispered to the Sunny and the Fairy King. All three lurked under the door.

"It's not that I don't want it!" Marianne began to walk around the room and waving his arms. Her pixies squealed and flying around her. "I want it, but it is... early"

"I know," the king of the goblins scratched his neck, "But you know my mother. She's stubborn"

"Dawn too" she kissed his cheek "I understand. You'll say me it, when we both will be ready"

"And it's end of subject" he said with smile "Interesting thing with this Roland. I thought, he has fell in love with someone"

"Maybe love potion works only for some time? You know, like cure for a headache."

"When I meet Plum I'll ask her" Bog promised "But now we must keep eye at this fancy jerk"

"Good idea, Boggy"


"Moron" cackled Evelina looking at Roland. Or rather looking in his direction "Bog King always wins"

"Shut up," growled knight "He was lucky, that's all"

"I feel the blood" goblin-bat's voice became dark. She stood erect and bared fangs "He has beat you, because he's better. This airhead doesn't deserve him, but such a stupid coward like you. You will take her for yourself and you keep her away from us! And if You fail, you'll regret it!"

"Okay, easy, easy!" Roland covered himself with armored arm, "I've an idea. But I don't know if you'll like it"

He whispered in her ear. Evelina smiled so broadly that male fairy saw her wisdom teeth.

"Finally you started using the brain," she giggled, "Keep it up"

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