Chapter 4

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Room, in which Marianne and Bog King were, was smaller than princess' chambers. There were only: bookshelf (Marianne knew some books' titles from her own library), a small collection of weapons and armours on the wall near the door and just one window with glass, over the bed where the fairy was lying. The bed itself was rather long than wide and was lined with moss and blankets made of the mouse's fur. The room was lit by small spherical lamps (a smaller version of these ones from throne room shown in the film).

"Can I know where I am?" Marianne asked, sitting up and rubbing her sore neck.

"In the castle, in my bedroom" Bog replied.

"Yeah? I thought it's bigger"

"I'm not demanding tenant" Bog shrugged "Um, maybe it'll be better if you'll lying, love"

"The fact that I was mauled by a agressive pseudo-bat, doesn't mean I'm an invalid, Bog" she grimaced "It's really just hurt me head and wrist. I could easily..."

"Our medic said that you have to rest, and he is one of those people with whom it is better not to discuss" Goblins' King rested his hands on his hips.

"Bog, don't freak out," Marianne got up with some difficulty and frowned, "Where are my clothes?"

"We had bear your wounds" he muttered sheepishly. "I'll bring you them"

And he was gone. Marianne rolled her eyes. The Almighty Bog King was sometimes cute. Just sometimes.


Evelina was furious. Bog had hit her. Hit! Now her right wing hurt and in addition in her ears something was ringing, making it difficult to orientation in the field.

Why Bog did this? He knew she loved him, so why he was with... this soft, abominable freak?! Goblin and... ugh, Fairy?! It was abnormal!

"What the heck was you thinking?! Fairy must be alive!" snapped male, who was helping her "We have a deal, remember, bat?!"

"More respect, dude!" Evelina hissed "If you see this Marianne of yours with my Boggy, you would be upset too!"

"Whatever. You said you have some plan" he crossed his arms on his chest.

"I had bitten her" she said with a smile, "During the upcoming full, in their relationship will be a small crisis"


Marianne's blouse was in tatters, so Griselda has prepared a replacement using scraps of fabric and pieces of chitin shell of some beetle. The whole thing had dark purple color.

When Marianne get dressed, she and Bog went outside to practice fighting. It is true that the goblin tried to dissuade her from the idea, but encountered strong resistance.

"Bog, I'm not made of porcelain. I'll be fine," she promised while checking the blade of her sword. "I'm comin' straight on for youuu..."

"Oh no!" he roared attacking "No singing!"

"Who is Evelina?" Marianne began, entering treacherous lunge.

"Goblin from the mountains" was the answer, "She fell in love with me, and I... well, I wasn't too kind. I hadn't seen her ten years"

"I think she's still infatuated with you" fairy used her wings as a veil to hide her hands up and surprise her sparring-partner. Full moon emerged from behind the clouds.

"It looks like it, tough girl" Bog pushed blow scepter. Marianne suddenly curled up in pain. He didn't even hit her, so... "Mari, what's going on?"

"Don't touch me!" suddenly she screeched pushing him away, "Leave me alone, you hideous insect!"

"Wha...?" goblin looked at her in amazement. Did she...?

"Are you deaf?!" girl's voice was becoming increasingly shrill. She didn't sound like Marianne. "Leave me, damn it!"

Suddenly, he saw the glow coming out from under the bandage on her wrist. He remembered a trick once shown him by... Bog grabbed firmly Marianne by the shoulders and shook her. It was some damn hypnosis!

"Mari, I know you can hear me!" he said, "Calm down. Just calm down. Someone controls you, you hear?"

Marianne's eyes widened. She tapped his teeth like a wild animal. Bog grabbed a knife behind her belt and looked around. He saw movement behind one of the stones.

"EVELINA!" roared and threw the knife in hiding being. Goblin-bat (because it really was a she) ran away, cursing and thus losing control of the fairy's mind.

Confused Marianne blinked. Rubbed his forehead. Legs buckled beneath her.

"Today, definitely you too often falls from power, tough girl" Bog King smiled.

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