Chapter 8

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Hope POV

At this point I couldn't take it any more I ran up to Josie and kissed her, of course she kissed back and this time the kiss was better lasted longer.


There was a knock at the door and suddenly me and Josie both jumped back.

"Hope! Have you seen Josie? Finch is here" Lizzie says

I then open the door

"She's here" I said
"Oh good. Josie you have a very energized doggy out there that wants to see you" Lizzie says

"Finch?" Josie asked

"Well no shit jo" Lizzie says

"I'll see you later?" Josie asked me

"If I'm even still here" I say not making eye contact with Josie

"What do you mean?" Josie asked
"Josie get going already" Lizzie says

Josie takes one look at me before walking out.

"So what's up with you and my sister? The closed doors. You took way to long to open a door, the look she just gave you. Are you guys fucking each other?" Lizzie asked

She knows. She knows.

"What? No!" I said

"Listen I won't be mad at you mikaelson for finally getting some pussy, but from my sister? And then you lie about it, not cool mikaelson" Lizzie says

"I'm with Landon remember." I said
"That didn't stop you from getting your fingers into my sister" Lizzie says

"Where are you getting this false information" I said

"Well, first my sister doesn't look at anyone that way and plus I know you mikaelson. You have a glow on you and I could tell the only thing that lights up a smile is a good pussy or money. Seeing as you have money and my sister was the only one in your room, I'm guessing you got some. Although that's disgusting. I can't get that image of you and my sister out of my head now" Lizzie says

"Lizzie, this conversation is over" I said
"No it's not mikaelson, because you said Josie might not see you later on and what did you mean by that?" Lizzie asked

"I'm going out for the rest of the day and I might not be back until tomorrow morning or something" I said

"And why is that?" She asked
"I need to clear my head" I said
"Listen mikaelson, my sister seems like she had the best summer ever, and I know exactly why. So if you make her happy then I want finch the chihuahua out of the equation and you in it, metaphorically speaking." Lizzie says

"There is nothing going on with me and your sister, now if you excuse me I should get going I have a day to plan and it doesn't involve either you or your sister, I'll be saltzman twins free" I say

"Oh please. You know you enjoy my company. And you definitely enjoy my sister" she said with a disgusted look

I heard Josie giggling from down the hall

" I think I'm fine without you both. See you later probably" I said before shutting my door

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