Chapter 10

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Wednesday 11:00 PM

Riley got ready for the party. She was dressed in a red long sleeve shirt, black jeans, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black ankle-high boots. She put her hair up in a ponytail. She then put on some lip gloss and some mascara. Before she walked out of her room and upstairs up to the front door where she was stopped by Noah.

"Where are you going, Riles?" Noah asked

"Oh I'm going to take a walk. What are you doing, up at this time?" Riley asked

"I want some milk because I could not go to sleep. But mommy and mama said that you can't go on a walk after 11pm." Noah said

"I don't care what they say, they can't stop me." Riley said as she walked out of the house.

Once Riley was out of the house, she got a text from Aurora.

Sono dietro l'angolo-Aurora

Fantastico, sarò lì tra cinque minuti-Riley

Va bene-Aurora

12:00 PM at the Party

Riley walks through the hall to the main party room and looks around shocked at what she sees. Riley couldn't believe that she was seeing bongs and beer and rum bottles.

"Hey!" Nick and Jessica greeted Riley.

"We're so glad you're here." Then Nick picks up a red solo cup with beer in it and hands it to Riley.

Riley accepts the cup, but looks at it skeptically, "Um..."

"Take a sip. It's not poison. I promise." Jessica assured her.

"I can't. Um, I'm going to find Jackson." Riley said as she walked away with Aurora.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aurora asked

"Yes I'm fine." Riley said

"Riley, look me in the eye and tell me the truth." Aurora said.

Riley looked at Aurora for a minute.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Aurora said

"I know that. I just don't know how to tell you." Riley said

"Wait, are you pregnant?" Aurora asked

"Why do you think that?" Riley asked

"Because you looked at the drink as if you were going to throw up." Aurora said

By the look on Riley's face, Aurora gets her answer right away.

"Oh my God. You are pregnant." Aurora said

"Yup." Riley said

"Is it Jackson?" Aurora asked

"No." Riley said

"Oh my God you cheated on Jackson!" Aurora yelled

"Aurora I didn't cheat on Jackson, okay. Before I came to this school I was raped, okay." Riley said

"Oh, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Aurora said

"It's fine." Riley said

"How far are you?" Aurora asked

"12 weeks. Now let's go, we need to find Jackson and Lucas." Riley said as they started looking for Jackson and Lucas.

After five minutes of looking for Jackson and Lucas, they finally found them.

"There they are." Lucas said as Riley and Aurora walked up to them.

"Lucas remembers Aurora didn't understand English." Jackson said

"Yes I do." Aurora said

"Wait then why do you and Riley speak in Italian then?" Lucas asked

Because we love the language." Riley said as she sat down next to Jackson and Aurora sat down next to Lucas.

"Riley has something to tell you guys." Aurora said

"Aurora!" Riley yelled at Aurora.

"What?" Aurora said

Riley just gave her the death stare.

"Oh, mi dispiace molto." Aurora said

"E 'multare." Riley said

"What is it Riley?" Jackson asked

"Okay this is very hard for me to say, but I'm pregnant." Riley said

"Before you said anything, Riley did not cheat on Jackson. Before she came to this school she was raped okay." Aurora said

"What?" Jackson and Lucas said at the same time.

"It is not a big deal guys, okay." Riley said

"We're here for you Riles." Lucas said as she hugged her.

"Thanks." Riley said

"So how does yall relationship change now?" Lucas asked Jackson and Riley.

"I don't know." Riley said

"Do Jackson want to be in this baby life." Lucas said

"Yes, I do." Jackson said as she looked at Riley.

"You sure?" Riley asked her boyfriend.

"Yes, I'm sure. I love you so much and I will love this baby too." Jackson said

"Thank you." Riley said.

Riley knew that her and Jackson's relationship would end soon because of Witness's protection.

It was not long before the party was in full swing. Everyone is either drunk, high, or both. People are dancing on the tables and the couches. People are throwing things and glass is broken.

"I think we should get going before the cops come." Lucas said

"Yeah." Riley and Jackson said

"Let's go." Aurora said as they walked to their car.

Riley got into the car with Aurora and Jackson and drove home.

Thursday, November 26 2020 2:30 AM Rollins-Benson household

When Riley walked into the house she was shocked to see Olivia sitting on the couch. She tried to keep walking downstairs but she was stopped by Olivia.

"Stop right there, young lady." Olivia called

"What the hell do you want?" Riley said she stops in her tracks.

"Where have you been at this hour?" Olivia asked

"I decided to go for a walk." Riley lied

"Really at this time of night, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Olivia asked

"You are not my mother. You will never be my mother so you can fuck off." Riley said

"I know I'm not your mother but it dont mean I can't look out for you." Olivia said

"You know what, I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed." Riley said as she started walking downstairs.

"Fine, but tomorrow you, your mom, and I are going to talk about this." Olivia said

"Okay, I don't care." Riley said as she walked into her room.

Olivia sighed knowing that tomorrow was going to be a hard day. Before she walked into her and Amanda's room.

A/N: Translate-

"Oh, I'm very sorry."

"It's fine."

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