Chapter 11- Logan is a Plant Boy

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TW: Logan Gets Defensive And Calls Roman's Dreams Stupid, Talks/Implications of Death.

November 6th | Eight Months Since Remus Died | Roman Rediscovers Just How Much of A Nerd Logan Is

"Wow," Roman said as Logan parked his car outside his house, "You guys have a beautiful garden. My Dad and Nan would be so jealous."

Logan hummed slightly as he got out of the car, "It is satisfactory, my father and I wanted to put in some gardenia's  but the HOA wouldn't allow it."

"Oh, why not?"

Logan shrugged, "The president of the HOA, Karen Carmichael, says it'd be 'breaking code'. But really its because she A: doesn't seem to be able to get it through her thick skull that two men are perfectly capable of gardening and B: Last time we were 'allowed' to plant a difficult plant to keep alive my father and I won the award for Best Garden in the neighborhood. And heaven forbid all that money that 'poor' woman spends on hiring a landscape artist and gardner each year goes to waste."

"Carmichael? Like that girl you didn't like at the party?" Roman asked, Logan, nodded, "I guess the rivalry continues. Think it'll turn to a classic story of Romeo and Juliet?" Roman teased as they both got out of the car.

Logan recoiled slightly and Roman laughed at the reaction, "She sounds like a bitch," Remus broke in suddenly.

"She can be," Logan admitted as he opened the door, "Come on in. Please wipe your feet, my Abba would be very upset if we tracked mud inside."

"Abba? Like the band?" the twins asked in unison. 

"Jinx!" Roman said quickly, just a second before Remus could. Remus pouted and crossed his arms with a roll of his eyes. 

Again, Logan laughed lightly, "No, Abba is the hebrew word for Father. Abba is jewish, it is what we agreed for me to call him when I was first adopted." Logan slipped his shoes off and placed them beside the door in line with several other pairs, Roman followed suit.

"You're adopted?"

"Yes, its been about eight years now. A story for another day." 

"Logan!" A voice called from further in the house, "Is that you?"

"Yes, Father," Logan called back as he led Roman toward the voice and into a pristine kitchen. It was a large modern kitchen, one that looked right out of a magazine. There were two men in the room, one of them stood behind one of two sinks doing dishes while another sat at the kitchen island leaning over a pile of papers. "Father, Abba, this is Roman Garcia. He is a friend of mine," Logan said as they stepped into the kitchen.

Roman waved slightly, "Good afternoon Mr. and Mr. Austen. Thank you for having me over."

"Of course, any friend of Logan's is always welcome here. He's not very social, we were very happy to hear about you." The man at the island said, "And please, call me Michael."

"And I'm Caleb." The other man said before looking to Logan, "You got chores."

"Would it be alright if I did them later, Abba? Roman and I-"

Caleb shook his head, "Dont go using Roman as an excuse, I'm sure he doesn't appreciate that. It won't take long, besides, you never push your chores aside when Patton visits."

Logan rolled his eyes slightly and Roman nudged him slightly, "I don't mind waiting. The longer you spend on chores the longer I don't have to do math homework. Besides, I can help."

Logan shook his head, "No, my chores are my own and most require a special precision. But I would not mind you joining me. Come along. After my chores, we will be in my room. Thank you father, thank you Abba." Logan said before they both went to get their shoes.

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