Chapter 3- Remus Wants Roman to Make Friends

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TW: Sexual Talk, Mentions of Vomit, mentions of Getting Sick, Implications of the Garcia family past that you know very little about, Zombies.

Sorry for not publishing last week, it's been hard lately but I'm back in the groove! (Kind of) this chapter will replace this weeks chapter of my hero book. And yes you'll still get Brewing Love and Casting Lies tomorrow for those of you who are wondering. I also plan on publishing another chapter tonight as well.

September 9th | Six Months Since Remus's Death | Remus and Roman Have a Talk

Roman walked into the kitchen, greeted by the sound of his mother humming to music while she did a few chores and his father talking on the phone in the other room.

"Hola Mami," Roman said with a smile (Hello Mom) as he put some toaster into their very old toaster. Roman didn't know why they kept the damn thing, it hummed when toasting bread, and tended to burn people, not to mention Remus had lit it on fire a couple of times, while alive of course.

"Buenas Dias Roman," she said with a small smile that quickly fell away, "I got a call from your school yesterday." (Good morning Roman)

Roman wasn't phased, he knew this was bound to happen, "Oh?"

"You missed your last couple of classes, everything okay?"

Roman hummed a bit as his toast came out of the toaster, and he picked it up before spreading his favorite Crofters Jam onto it, "Uh, yeah, sorry. I wasn't feeling well. I went to the nurse."

That got his mother's attention, not that he wanted it. He had wanted her to just dismiss the comment and leave him be, maybe tell him to let him know next time or something, instead he got Helicopter Mom, "Are you okay now? You don't have a fever do you? You don't have to go to school if you're sick, I can call Dr. Greendale. I can-"

"Mama," Roman interrupted, smiling at her concern, "I'm fine. It was just an upset stomach. I made the mistake of drinking the milk the school gives out. I'm fine."

His mother nodded nervously, "Okay, are you sure?"

"Positive, I do have to go now. Or I'll miss my bus." Again, his mother nodded, before wishing him off. Roman sighed with relief as he got out of the house, glancing back at it for a moment before he began down the block. He hadn't bothered to tell Remus he was leaving. His twin's ghost would just get slung back to him before he even reached the street corner.

Sure, it would hurt slightly and his brother would probably be extra annoying to get back at him, but he didn't care. He hadn't said a word to Remus since his breakdown yesterday, he didn't really want to start again yet.

Sure enough, a few houses away from his own, and his brother was flying through the air at top speed and stopped right in front of Roman. They both hissed slightly at their respective pain, and Roman a short stabbing headache and for Remus a feeling as though he had gotten a huge surge of static electricity all throughout his body. "What the hell was that for?!" Remus yelled, not at all happy about how his brother had decided to get him to leave the house.

Roman ignored him, simply walking through his brother's ghostly body, shivering at the odd cold feeling it caused, and continued on his way to the bus stop. "Roman, you can't just keep ignoring me." Remus complained, though that was Roman's plan, ignore him. Part of him hoped that Remus would leave, just quit haunting him and get out of his life for good. Another part knew that wasn't and couldn't happen, he was partially grateful for that fact.

Remus rolled his eyes in annoyance as he followed behind his brother, this time choosing to actually walk rather than hover or float like he normally did, "Oh whatever. Guess what I found in the attic last night? A bunch of unlabeled VHS tapes! And guess what else? A working TV with a working VHS player!" Remus told him, Roman continued to ignore him, "I managed to get the tape into the machine, it was a huge workout and I am now scared for the rest of my after life, but I can now, without a doubt say that the last owners were a kinky couple" 

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