Chapter 9- This is Halloween! (Halloween Special Pt 2)

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TW: Mentions of Spiked Drinks, Implications of Alcohol and Other Substances, Anxiety

October 31st | Eight Months Since Remus Died | Roman's first party since Remus's death ends with him getting closer to his new friends

Roman started moving towards the party once he felt the familiar tugging that signaled Remus was getting close to his limit of how far he could walk. The closer he got to the houses, the louder the music got, he honestly kinda hoped they turned it down as it started getting later. He normally didn't have a problem with loud house parties, being the extrovert he was, but this was boarding on insane levels of loud.

"Roman!" A voice shouted and Roman turned to see Patton dragging Logan and a kid Roman recognized from his Beginners Psych class. Patton briefly let go of those behind her and gave Roman a quick but tight hug, "Oh look at you! Very creative!"

"He's an assassinated tyrant prince, he made up a very nice story I wish to hear sometime," Logan told her. Patton laughed, unsurprised by any of what was said before she turned to the last kid and pulled them forward slightly.

"This is Emile!" She shouted over the music.

"Hi," Emile greeted somewhat shyly.

Patton giggled again before she pulled Roman and Logan away for a second, "Aren't they adorable? They're the ones who asked me out!"

Roman laughed slightly and nodded, "Well, I'd tell you what I thought of them but they've only said one word to me tonight. Though I did talk to them once in class and they are really good at psych."

"I'm really good at psych," Logan said.

"You sure are!" Roman agreed as Patton laughed again, "Well, go on Pat. Don't just let them stand there all alone, make a move."

Patton nodded again and said their goodbyes before she rushed off back towards Emile. She took hold of their hand and Emile smiled as they pulled her back into the crowd.

"I'm really good at psych," Logan repeated.

Roman laughed again, "I know. Wanna see if we can find our ghost friends?" He asked.

Logan nodded and the two made their way around the loud house in search of their other friends. In the busier parts of the household, Logan and Roman would hold hands so as to not get separated but would let go right after. It took a good ten minutes of searching before they finally found their gremlin of friends wreaking terror on some of the party-goers by having Remus chuck hard candies at them and mess with costumes while Anxiety and Dee messed with the lights and some other forms of electricity.

"You all seem to be having fun," Logan commented to Anxiety and Deceit, the two of them had been off to the side laughing their heads off as they played their pranks.

Anxiety turned to them with a huge grin on his face, "Dude! Princey! You look awesome! Did you make that costume yourself?"

"Oh," Roman said, caught slightly off guard, "Thanks. Yeah, I did. Remus spilled fake blood on it and I didn't have time to wash it off so I just improvised."

"Remind me to say thank you, your costume would be so boring if you just did the normal outfit. So, are you a zombie prince or something like that?"

"Something like that," Roman said with a shrug.

Logan nudged him, "Didn't you have a story to go with it?"

Roman rubbed the back of his neck with slight embarrassment, "Oh, Well- I did, but he probably doesn't want to hear about tha-"

"You shouldn't speak for me Roman, it's not very prince-like. And it makes you look like a fool when you're wrong," Anxiety interjected, "What's the story then?"

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