Chapter 17- Ruh-Roh Here We Go

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TW: Transphobia, Homophobia, Violence, Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Language Warning

A summary will be provided at the end for all those who need it. Please read with caution. 

December 1st | Nine Months Since Remus Died | There's a reason they're called 'Rivals'

The moment Roman stepped on campus, he knew something was different. Though considering that there seemed to be twice as many people, and half of them wore spirit gear from the school rivals, it wasn't something that seemed very hard to determine. Roman frowned nervously as his grip tightened on his things and he stepped into what looked to be a high school mosh pit so he could get to the Library where he and Remus were meeting the others.

He squeezed past groups of people and muttered 'sorry' and 'excuse me's until he finally got where he wanted to be. Logan and Patton sat at a table near the back, studying. Patton wore a light blue skirt with flowers on it that traveled to her knees, a white wool sweater, and a blue headband to match. A she/her pin was carefully placed over her heart and a smiley face pin sat just beneath it. "Roman!" Patton said with a large smile on her face, "Ready for Rival Day?"

"Rival day?" Roman asked, giving his friend a loose hug.

"It's part of spirit week," Logan explained, "Twice a year, two or three weeks before finals, the schools will have one day where they bring together all their students and hold class under one roof. This semester is our turn to host."

Remus laughed, "And the schools think this is a good idea? Aren't you all supposed to hate each other or something?" Roman smiled at being able to not only see him but hear him. He could see his brother again! After Thanksgiving, his parents had started trusting him to take the pill on his own, a mistake really. The first chance he got, and Roman had ditched the medication. He had noticed several differences pretty quickly, the biggest being he was now able to see all the ghosts again. But there was also the fact that the dizzy spells had gone, and the constant anxiety had lessened, and several other things as well. 

Patton shook her head, "School rivalries are just friendly competition silly goose!" she said as she took a seat and flattened her skirt down, "Rival Day is my favorite! So many new people to meet!"

"Makes me happy I'm dead," Anxiety voiced as he and Deceit floated down from the ceiling and into a pair of chairs, "People are awful, and I'm glad they can't see me. Just talking to you guys is hard, imagine having to do it every day, with everyone, for the rest of your life? Makes me wonder how I ever managed to do it when I was alive."

Roman laughed, "I hate to say it because I consider myself an extrovert through and through, but even I gotta admit that this is a lot of people. It's... really crowded today."

"Well, lucky for you, it's a short day today," Logan reminded as he flipped the page, "Though class will be starting soon, and if I recall, your class is on the other side of the campus Roman. And your teacher doesn't tolerate tardiness, shall I walk you there?"

"Uh.." Roman hesitated, smiling and blushing slightly. Ever since Thanksgiving Logan had been walking him to his classes, offering him rides home when he could, and even bringing or buying him snacks for their study sessions. Roman could tell it was starting to bother Anxiety, he'd been avoiding him again, and he'd always look away when Logan did something like that. Roman would try to make up for it by getting the two of them alone or turning Logan's attention towards Anxiety, but Anxiety still looked upset. "I... I actually have an appointment with my counselor before class," he lied with a small sigh.

"Shall I walk you to the office then?"

Roman shook his head, "No, that's alright. You go on to class, I'll see you guys later though."

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