8 | A Game for Fun.

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" Rudeness is a weak person's
imitation of strength. "

I took a long breath and right as I was about to open the door, I heard an unfamiliar voice

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I took a long breath and right as I was about to open the door, I heard an unfamiliar voice. Hugo and I shared a look. We had guests.

I turned to Arianna. "Sweetie, will you wait in my room with Luella for me ?" She looked a little scared.

Hugo got down to her level and held her hands, "El and I have some business to attend to and right after that; we'll be back. Luella is a nice lady, so be good for her ?"

Arianna looked at Hugo first and then at me, her eyes searching for something. She must have found it because she timidly nodded and agreed.

I instructed a nearby guard to take Arianna to my room and ask Luella to take care of her while I dealt with my problem. He nodded once and rushed to carry out my order.

I took another huge breath and opened the doors. Dad, Audrey, and the Posilicos were sitting on the chairs around the dining table. As soon as they saw me and Hugo, the conversation around stilled, and the air became tense. I schooled my features to hide my hurt and walked to my seat.

With everyone's eyes on us, Hugo and I took adjacent seats and started filling up our plates. I refuse to be the one to break the awkward silence, they are the ones staring.

Slowly, the conversation picked up around us as others shook out of their stupor. Audrey and Dad kept stealing glances at us and at each other when they thought we weren't looking.

Hugo nudged me, "Is it just me or is everyone being kind of weird towards us ?"

Seriously, Hugo? Take a wild guess!

"We are two days late than our deadline. Did you really expect a grand welcome?" I whispered back.

"I'm just glad that Audrey's not airing our dirty laundry in front of our guests, though I shouldn't be surprised because he is her chosen mate and they are his family. Wouldn't want to embarrass herself and her family in front of them and all that."

King Posilico was a middle-aged man who was sitting on the left of Dad, Queen Giovanna next to him. On the other side of the Queen sat a young man who I recognized as Prince Benjamin. I knew all of them from how the tabloids portrayed them.

I noticed with mild amusement at how the whole Posilico family squirmed while I looked at them, dead caught in the middle of family drama. Huh, who would've thought? I guess the tabloids were unfair in portraying them, or maybe they were just being cautious as we are the most powerful kingdom, after all.

Dad and King Posilico were still talking, but the Vampire King looked really uncomfortable and was valiantly trying to hide it. Clearly, he didn't succeed, though kudo points for trying. Queen Giovanna looked like she was scolding Prince Benjamin, but for what, I don't know.

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