If You Were Mine-Danny Williams

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~Your POV~

"Look who it is. So...how did it go?" Tani pries as I walk through the glass double doors of Five-0 headquarters. "Don't tell me you were just standing here, waiting for me this whole time." I say plopping my bag on my desk and handing her a coffee.

"Well of course. My friend goes home with a guy that I've never seen before so I obviously have to know the details so come on, spill." She urges and I roll my eyes.

I take a sip of my coffee and walk over to the main room to see Junior tapping away at something. "Was he good? Did he make you breakfast? If you're just going to ignore me, I'll tell Danny..." She threatens and I snap my head towards her.

"You wouldn't dare." I squint and she gives me a cheeky shrug.

"Tell Danny what?" My eyes widen hearing his voice boom through the room. I awkwardly clear my throat, "T-tell you th-that uh..."

"She's just being weird cause she went home with a guy." Tani interrupts and I slap her arm. "Oh you did now. How was it? Did he make you breakfast?" He asks making me blush.

"Okay for your information I didn't take him home with me. We went to a different bar and then we went our separate ways after that." I explain.

"Is that right.." Danny just nods his head, clearly not buying it.

"Alright, Grover is on his way to the victim's apartment to find anything that'll help us link him to his death. Tani, I want you to go see where he worked. Talk to the staff and find out if our victim had any suspicious visitors." Steve orders.

"Junior, you stay here and look through his call logs, emails. Find out if he has any family members, maybe someone who he's been seeing. Danny and Y/N, I need you two to talk to his ex-wife, maybe she knows something." He finishes.

"Well, what about you? What the hell are you doing?" Danny asks. "Well if you must know; I have a meeting with the governor, Danny. Is that alright with you?" Steve sarcastically asks.

"Well maybe next time, start with that. Also, that's the best news I've heard all week. In fact; it's great news, you know why?" Danny asks, looking at all of us. I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off.

"I'll tell you why, I get to drive my own damn car this time." He says and Steve shakes his head. "Y/N, I'm sorry I put you with him. I'll make it up to you, beer's on me." Steve pats my shoulder and I laugh.

Tani coughs awkwardly and I glare at her. "You don't know what you're talking about. As long as she's with me she won't get shot at." I held in my laughter and followed Danny outside to his car and went straight for the drivers side.

"Woah, woah, what do you think you're doing?" He asks. "I'll drive." I stated the obvious. "But it's my car! I'd like to drive my own car. Did you not hear what I just said back there?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Danny, just hand me the keys. You can drive on the way back, how about that?" I suggested and he shakes his head but hands me the keys anyway. "Next time, we're taking your car and I'll be the one driving."

"Whatever you say, Danno." He gives me a weird look. "Did Steve put you up to this?" He asks as I back out of the parking lot.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrug and made our way to the victims ex-wife's house.


"There you are. I was starting to think you left already." Steve says as I walk into the bar. "Of course not. I just had to pack a few things." I say sitting in between him and Tani. "What do you mean pack? Where are you going?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Would you relax? I've been ask to go back to Afghanistan for a rescue mission and that's all I can tell you." I say as Steve hands me a beer. "When will you be back?" Junior asks and I shrug. "Not sure." I take a swig of my beer and Danny walks in with Gabby, his girlfriend.

"Hey, what's everyone drinking?" Danny asks as he orders a round for everyone. "Someone's in a good mood." Steve jokes. "What's the matter with you? What? I can't do something nice for my friends?" Danny argues.

"Oh so we're friends now?" We all laugh as Danny shoves his partner off his stool. "Alright, I'm gonna head out." I said, finishing up my beer and grabbing my bag. "Woah, wait. Where are you going?" Danny asks, walking over to me.

I sigh, "I'm heading back to Afghanistan for a rescue mission and I'm not really sure when I'll be back."

"Why didn't you tell me? Did any of you know about this?" He asks, looking at everyone. "No they didn't Danny. They just found out too." I say and Steve walks up and hugs me first. "You be careful over there alright? You know where we are. If somethings goes wrong, you call me right away and we will be there." He says and I smile.

I went around hugging everyone, saying my goodbye's and then there was Danny. He looks at me with sad eyes and without a word he embraces me in a big hug. "I'm gonna miss you, you know that? Grace is gonna be upset when I tell her." He says.

"Don't worry. I'll be home before you know it and tell Grace I will take her to that museum she was talking about when I get back." Danny laughs and kisses my cheek. "You be careful over there. Call me as soon as you get back." He says and I nod.

"I'll walk you out." Tani says and I nod. I wave at everybody before leaving the bar and heading for my car. "Why didn't you tell him?" Tani says and I roll my eyes. "Tani, the man is with his girlfriend. Don't you think it'd be weird if I just poured out my feelings to him with his girlfriend there?"

"Besides, we have a really good friendship and I don't really want to ruin that. What if I did tell him and it doesn't work out? Then what? We'd still have to work together and it'd be so awkward." I stated and she nods understandingly.

"I guess you're right. Come here." She opens her arms and I hug her. She's like my older sister. "I love him, Tani but I will find my own Danny Williams someday." I smile and got into my car and drove off.

Once my luggage was all set, I got into the private jet and sat down looking out the window. "You ready for this?" My good friend Axel asks and I nod, buckling my seatbelt. My phone dinged and I opened it and froze.

I love you too, Y/L/N. We'll go to Steve's for dinner when you get back. Please be safe. Miss you already x


He must've over heard Tani and I talking outside I-

What about Gabby? I thought they were dating? So many questions running through my head and I want answers but it's too late. We're already up in the air. I can't believe it. The man I love just said he loves me back.

All of a sudden I couldn't wait to go back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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