Chapter 6

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I've been awake in the hospital for two weeks now, TWO weeks, and it sucks! I have to have an operation in two days to remove my tumor and quite honestly I don't know if I'm excited or scared. Excited to. Get this out of me, and scared that they will be shaving off my hair and cutting into my head. They told me that when I get this out it will hopefully be over, but I didn’t think they were telling the full truth, you see, when you are living in the mind of a ten year old, you can really tell when someone is lying. So far none of my friends have lied to me about anything, I have been listening to all the deleted voicemails Noah has sent me and that I ever sent to him, we truly were in love. Tori told me what all my favourite books and movies are, so far, I have read the Fault in Our Stars 3 times and watched Mean Girls like 10. Brooke is all healed up and all that is left now is for her to wake up, then everything will be perfect. Tori, Luca, Elijah and I were all having a Twilight movie marathon in my room when I realized something, ‘hey, Elijah, are you and Caleb good friends? I think you were back when we were ten,’ I asked while laughing. I felt Luca who was leaning against my bed stiffen. ‘Yea, why?’ He sounded very worried but secretive at the same time, weird. ‘Do you know when Caleb is coming back from overseas?’ Elijah's eyes looked extremely worried, almost like he wanted to say something but didn't know how. Tori interrupted, ‘He is on some sort of exchange. Hes over there for like six months or something, he left only a couple of weeks before the accident.’ Oh, thats weird, I wonder why he hasn’t called? ‘Where is he?’

‘Italy!’ Elijah said, very loudly, Tori elbowed him in the stomach, ‘the truth is’ she continued, then they all had goes saying weird things. ‘He meet this girl,’

    ‘and they fell in love,’

    ‘and they ran away,’

    ‘and she got pregnant,’ Wait… ‘WHAT?’ Luca looked around at everyone, ‘oh, are we not going that far?’ They all groaned, ‘you can’t joke about someone being pregnant!’ Tori was whisper/shouting at Luca. Okay here comes todays waterworks display. I dont mean to cry about everything, I just don’t think I can handle people talking about that sort of stuff yet. Noah came up and sat beside me, ‘who wants to watch Mean Girls again?’ three hands shot up and Noah rubbed my shoulder, ‘everything will be ok,’ he whispered in my ear, before getting up to change the movie. I don’t know how many take out runs everyone did alternately that night, but by the time I went to sleep, I had eaten two Big Mac Combos, a frozen coke, the equivalent of a whole pizza and three frozen yogurts, If I cant eat at all tomorrow because I have an operation the next day, I might as well eat big today right? At one stage we had the nurse, Rebekah in there partying it up with us, that was how i managed to get all my friends to stay until 11pm before they finally got kicked out. I had a fun night, but I had no idea what was install for me the next day.

  Band, bang, bang, I woke up to the sound of someone waking a wooden spoon against the metal foot rest of the bed. What do you want?’ I sat up to see but four best friends standing around the end of the bed with extremely excited faces on, ‘Come look at this!’ Tori had me pulled up and out of bed before I could even respond. She was running down the halfway at full speed pulling me along behind her. I was slipping so much on the end of my pj pants that while I was trying to catch my balance, I didn’t even notice where we were going until we came to a sudden halt outside a room that I had spent most of my time in since I arrived here. It hadn’t changed once since then, but now, it was so different. Everything was a mess, blankets that used to be on the bed, strewn across the ground, monitors that used to be upright, lying across any near surface. But the most obvious difference was that the bed was empty. It took me a while to register what that meant. But I knew. When someone tapped my back, they proved I was right, ‘Brooke!’ Behind me there was a wheelchair that held my best friend, She had a massive smile on her face well on the half that still looked like a face. I bent down to give her a hug, she held me tight but then her grip loosened, when I looked back up she wasn't the same Brooke I had seen 10 seconds ago, she had gone limp in the chair and there was blood pouring out of her face. I looked back up around me and we weren't in the hospital any more, we were at the scene of the accident. To my left there was an upside down car, glass and metal all over the road, everywhere I looked. I turned back to help Brooke, but before I could get another glance at her, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I could hear Tori's voice behind me. 'You. Killed. Her.' I was confused but when I looked back, she was lying in a coffin, dressed in nice clothes with brushed hair. The whole congregation turned to me, 'You. Killed. Her.' But then they said it again and again and again. I closed my eyes and started screaming. 'NO! It wasn't me, I didn't do that, it wasn't.' When I opened my eyes again I was in the hospital bed, the light was blinding me.

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