Chapter 5

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I never really looked at my scars or my injuries much, apparently I fell down the stairs after I blacked out, but when I pulled up my top, it revealed something that I never expected. There was a scar across my lower abdomen and I had a feeling that I knew why it was there but I wasn't sure. After i pressed the button for the nurse, Rebekah came rushing in. She took one look at me looking at my stomach and frowned, 'one minute.' She ran out of the room and thirty seconds later came back with a small picture in her hand. 'When you,' she paused, 'fell down the stairs, something happened to you that is going to be very hard for you. I am under the impression that you were unaware of this but, you were pregnant.' My heart rate sped up, I was stunned, 'and I lost the baby didn't I?' She handed me the photo, 'I'm so sorry.' In front of me was an ultrasound, below a little diagram for where the heart beat was supposed to be, instead there was only a straight line. I burst into tears and Rebekah wrapped her arms around me, 'do you need me to get you anything?'
'How could you not of told me about this sooner?' I was mad now, 'When none of your friends mentioned it, I assumed they didn't know and the fact that you were only two months along, I had a feeling that you didn't know either. We had to wait until you were in a bit of a more stable condition because this is extremely traumatic news, Sasha I'm so sorry.'
'I need Noah.'

Five minutes later Noah came rushing in the door. I showed him the photo and explained the whole situation to him, by the end he was in tears as well. At the moment, I still only remember him as a jerk, but I also know that he was my boyfriend and I would never be so disrespectful to someone that I would cheat on them with someone else. Noah and I were going to be parents and I killed our baby. neither of us spoke, I just held onto him as though my world depended on it. After a couple of minutes he got up to ring Elijah, who apparently was with the others. He kissed my forehead before going out the door to meet them. I heard the loud thumping of their footsteps before I heard their whispering. Tori came barging in and took one look at the photo before covering her mouth with her hand, tears leaking from her eyes. Luca and Elijah followed close behind. They were a bit confused at first but through the crying Noah explained it to them. After a minute of them crying I sat up and looked at them all, 'What happened you guys?' they all looked at me blankly. 'Don't give me that shit about me falling down the stairs! Your face is all cut up and bruised and where is Brooke? What really happened?' Tori's lip was quivering while she spoke but she managed to explain enough for me to guess how much I screwed up. 'You were drunk, all three of us were....' She went on to explain the accident, but there was only one question in my mind, 'where is Brooke? You said three, she must have been there too.' Without looking at me, Luca spoke, 'she is in a coma on life support, they don't know if she is going to make it.' I burst into tears, not knowing how much bad news I could take. 'What about my parents where are they?' With that Elijah started smiling, pulling a card and a block of chocolate from his pocket. 'They are overseas and they asked me to give you this,' he handed me the card and I opened it
To our gorgeous Sasha,
I'm so sorry we can't be there to see you, I understand it is are really tough time for you in hospital and we sincerely hope that you get better soon. We tried cutting our trip short to come back and see you but we are helping and saving so many lives over here in Africa, we just can't leave. We love you to the moon and back, and we miss you too. please recover well and we will see you in a couple of months. Love Mom and Dad.
Well way to finish off this line of great news I'm getting today! I mean it could be worse, they could be dead or something.

I looked up, just in time to see Tori finish mouthing something to Elijah, I don't know what though, 'thank you for giving this to me,' I smiled at him and he nodded. I looked at everyone else, 'Do you think you could give me and Noah some time to talk?' Tori hugged me, 'of course. If you need anything, just call.' Elijah and Noah followed her, hugging me before they left. 'We love you Sasha,' Luca said just before closing the door behind him, then I heard this quick I told you so, coming from him too. I dismissed it and turned to Noah. 'Look, before we talk, I need you to understand that I don't remember you as a kind loving boyfriend, I remember you as an eleven year old jerk and I know that somewhere in that time you have changed and I loved you, I know this because I would never disrespect myself so much as to sleep with someone I wasn't in love with.' His eyes were filling up with tears again and he took my hand, there were sparks that shot up my arm from my palm and it felt amazing. 'Then I will tell you what happened,' I moved over and he came to sit beside me. 'I don't know how many times I will have to tell you this story, I already told you before you had your last seizure, but...'

Suddenly I understood, I knew that there was no lies in what he said, because I truly felt it in my heart. I had no reason not to trust him and I believed that we were faithful to each other, 'thank you Noah, you telling me this, really means a lot.' I moved over to let him sit beside me in my bed. We sat like that for hours barely speaking, apparently that was something we did often. I slowly let the darkness take over me but it wasn't like what it had been since I had been in hospital, I was calm and at peace. I may not have been conscious, but I knew I was smiling to myself.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I heard was the loud snoring coming from the other side of the room, I looked up and saw Noah asleep in a chair, quietly I got up, for the first time in days and went for a little walk. I went past reception and told Rebekah, 'I'm just going for a walk,' she smiled at me, 'be careful okay?' I nodded and carried on. I didn't really have any idea where I was going but I just kept walking straight, through hallways and doors and around corners until my feet took me somewhere I wasn't expecting to be. I looked through the small window that showed me the entire room. In the middle sat a bed, monitors surrounding it, the constant beep beep beep could be heard before I even got near the room. Lying on the bed was someone I didn't even recognise, her face half there and half scraped off, her body pale and so still her hair matted with blood and wrapped in bandages. I walked into the room, and put my hand on hers. 'Im so sorry I did this to you Brooke, I am so so so sorry.' I could sense someone standing behind me, I turned around to see Rebekah in the doorway but quickly turned back when I heard Brooks heartbeat change rhythm, it was faster and out of time, I started to get worried. 'Its ok, you know she is fully aware of everyone and everything around her, she can hear what you're saying.' I turned back to her, 'Brooke, please wake up, I need you here, please just give me some kind of sign. Squeeze my hand or something.' Her heart rate increased again, 'she's trying.' Rebekah's voice stood closer to me know, then I felt it, a slight twitch in one of her fingers before the beeping slowly got slower again. ' I miss you Brooke.' The nurse left me then and I sat down beside the bed. I talked to her sleeping body and told her everything I had found out since I last woke up. The beat kept changing but she didn't move again.

At about 11 o'clock I went back to my room where Noah had just woke up, he was looking at the picture of our baby almost in tears at the sight. 'I feel like she was a girl,' my voice was only a whisper but he heard it well. 'Willow, I always wanted a daughter called Willow and I was so close, we were so close.' He continued to stare at the picture, I nodded unable to see through the tears that made my eyes blurry. 'Willow'.

We manage to cheer each other up a bit after that and Noah went off to get some Maccas for lunch, I was so sick of this bloody hospital food. When he returned he had changed and brought me some more things from home. I opened up the duffel bag to see what clothes I owned, Noah was laughing as I 'rediscovered' my apparently favourite clothes. I picked up a cardigan and something fell out of it, leaning down to the ground to pick it up, I saw that it was a thin gold chain with a little locket. I sat on my bed and opened it, looking at the two pictures almost made me cry. On the right, a picture of Noah kissing me in a photobooth, on the left a mini picture of Willow. 'Oh my gosh thank you Noah. I love it.' I was telling myself not to cry but when he came over and held me in his arms I let a small tear slip. Pushing him off me, I looked back in my sitting on a pile of clothes was a phone, my phone by the looks of it. 'Here.' I passed Noah my phone and he unlocked it, he opened my photos app and I sat there for the next hour looking at all the photos I had taken in the last couple of years. After that he showed me the most recent texts we had sent, it was the afternoon of the accident. He had said to me, 'I will see you tomorrow, I love you Sasha.' Of course my reply was, 'I love you too xx'

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