Chapter 14

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Every morning, since wednesday, I have been waking up, somewhat refreshed, as though I'm ready to take on any challenge thrown at me. Then I wait a few minutes and the same weights get heavier on my shoulders as I think about it, suddenly, I don't feel so superhero like any more. I have been spending my week moping and confused, but now it's Saturday morning and I really need to do something about, well everything.

I got dressed in my most summery outfit, considering it was one of the hottest days of the year, in a pair of shorts and a flowy tank with wedges, now although I was upset, I felt good about myself. Today I was going to my all best friends and boyfriends graduation. I know that I should be mad at them forever, after what they did to me, but I have started coming to the realization that they were really just trying to do what was best for me, and now that I think about it, I;m kind of happy that I didn't have my parents death lumped on me at the same time as everything was happening after the accident.

At 11am, I was ready to go and face my friends, and I and no idea how I was going to act if I saw them again, but after the drive to the school where the ceremony would be held and seeing them all in a group, I couldn't help but grin, at seeing now the only people I had left. I jumped out of my car and started walking over to them. When Tori turned around she saw me and started running over to me, the others following close behind her. I was encased in a huge group hug of dark blue gowns, and even though I knew that I couldn't graduate yet, I was still so happy that I could be here for my friends on their big day. After I was released, I realized there was someone not involved in the little reunion, when I turned around, I was welcomed into a hug by my boyfriend and I buried my head into his shoulder, 'I'm so sorry Sasha, we only wanted to do what we thought was best for you after everything that happened.' I looked up at him and smiled, 'I know.' I reached my lips up to his, 'I love you,' he said to me, my face dropped, don't get me wrong, I was happy that someone loved me, especially at this time, but I couldn't respond, I didn't even know what my feelings for anyone we're anymore. 'You don't have to respond, but I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world.' As we walked through the school, me holding Noah's hand, many people gave me stares, others acknowledged me saying hi, although I knew none of their names. When I got to where I would be sitting, I was given more hugs by both Tori and Noah's parents, who were there to see their kids graduate high school, but I was so happy to see them as now I guess they would be like my only parents now. I had only seen them twice since the accident (that I remembered), but each time, they had been so helpful and generous, always wishing me all the best. Noah's parents both knew about Willow, but we had kept it from everyone else out of our friend group, not really wanting it to be public knowledge.

We all sat down, waiting for the ceremony to start. Everyones names were called out, some I recognized, many I didn't. I cheered when my friends names were all called out, screaming their names, not caring what the people around me thought, I clapped for everyone else. Once everyone was seated again, our principal, Mr Adams stood to address the crowd and introduced the first of the two speeches. The truth is I couldn't really be bothered listening to all the speeches, only half listening in case something interesting came up, I was just so happy that although I should still be mad, I forgave my friends and am at their graduation, excited to be able to spend the rest of today and tomorrow and the next day and so on, with them. '...and for our first speech we have Rose Gilbert, Prom Queen and Cheer Captain,' everyone cheered, but I just sat there waiting to see my friends. I wasn't listening but my head snapped up when she said my name '...Sasha Roberts was really the person who inspired me this year, right from the start, her being my cheer captain motivated me and seeing all her grades and her relationship, it really made me want to strive to be just like her. When her parents, ever so tragically died, may they rest in peace, I knew that it was my chance to take her place, I mean she wasn't coming back to school for while and I had to fill in her spot cheer captain. My popularity started rising and to make things even better, she wasn't even back a t school for a week before she almost killed herself and two of her closest friends in a car accident, not to mention her own baby. She's a heartless cow that doesn't deserve Noah, the love of my life,' that was when I got scared, she was running towards me at full speed. Suddenly there were no rows of people in front of me, they were all stood at a fair distance away clapping for Rose. I saw her jump up in the air, she was flying at me. I covered my face and squeezed my eyes shut, but there was never any impact. I relaxed my whole body, but I couldn't open my eyes, everything was just black.

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