Chapter 4

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Tori's POV

It was so painful, I wasn't even fully conscious when I could feel my entire body aching then it just stopped. I opened my eyes to see a nurse standing over me, 'Hey sweetie, I just gave you more morphine, so hopefully you aren't in too much pain.' She smiled at me. I was confused at first but quickly remembered everything, the drinking, the crash, Sasha throwing up and moving round in the car beside me but she wasn't making any noise. 'Um, Sasha, Sasha Roberts? Is she OK?'

I learned that the nurse's name was Rebekah, she told me everything that had happened with Sasha up until about half an hour ago, 'When your two friends Noah and Luca were talking to her, she started to get drowsy and had a seizure. it went for over five minutes, one of the longest I've ever seen. Suddenly she just stopped and there was nothing, no breath, no heartbeat.' I was in tears now, 'by now they had her in the room ready for the defibrillator, It took about thirty seconds before her heart was beating again, but they got it going! shes a tough one that Sasha!' Rebekah smiled at me, 'she isn't awake yet, but she is going to be fine. You,' she paused, 'are almost ready to go, it seems that while you were asleep, your body has almost completely healed, aside from the obvious bumps and bruises, you can leave tomorrow morning, we'll just have to do check ups on you every couple of days.'

'Can I see Sasha?' I would want to see Brooke too, but no one is allowed to see her. 'Yes I think she is going to be waking up soon, do you want a wheelchair?'

'I think I'll be fine, can you please just help me up?'

After finally making it up, Rebekah slowly lead me to Sashas room, she was lying there with no life in her, I felt so helpless. My eyes were filling up with tears, 'Tori,' I turned around to see Luca sitting behind me, Elijah already holding me in his arms. I let the tears spill over, I know that I wasn't the one that drove into that truck, I could blame her for the rest of our lives for that, I could hate her and wish that she was dead, because she almost killed us all, I could turn away from her and never speak to her again, but the thing is, I was the one who let her get into the car, fully intoxicated, I told her to turn up the music, I decided that it would be a great opportunity to bring up her parents death and distract her from her drunken thoughts. I let this happen. Looking at her now, I don't know that I could ever hate her, she was my best friend, my sister, she could murder someone and I couldn't hate her. Everyone was crowding around me now, trying to tell me it was ok, but it wasn't, 'Stop!'

She was moving, I ran, or attempted to run, over to her side but the doctors pushed me away, 'Ok everyone clear out please, she is awake and fine but we just need to give her some space to do a check up.' I was last of everyone leaving, to get out the door, when it was my turn to go, I turned around and mouthed 'I love you,' to her, she smiled back at me, but it looked like she almost didn't recognise me. The tears pooled again and again I felt helpless, she was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything.

We sat in my room for about twenty minutes before I was told I needed to rest, 'I will see you guys later, thanks for coming.' I smiled up at them, but then my face fell, 'I am so sorry that I let Sasha drive as drunk as she was, I'm sorry.' Noah hugged me and whispered in my ear, 'Don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault.' I looked up and smiled at him, he passed me onto Elijah. 'He's right you know? Don't ever, ever, blame yourself.' He kissed me on the cheek and left.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, I slept and ate and talked to the nurse occasionally until Doctor Mark came in to see me. 'Tori, Sasha has been asleep but is awake now and requesting you, do you want to go and see her?' Finally something to brighten up the day! 'Yea! Please get me out of this room!' I power walked to Sashas room (I was under strict instructions that I was not allowed to run). I was almost there, well I thought I was almost there when I realized I had no idea where her room was, Turning around I saw Mark watching me with an amused face, 'down the hall in the opposite direction seventh door on the right.' As I walked back past him, I gave him a pat on the shoulder, 'thanks Doc!'

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