Chapter 11

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A faint ringing sound woke you up from your slumber. With bleary eyes still not accustomed to the bright rays of sunlight that peaked through your curtains, you sluggishly patted the surface of your nightstand in a desperate attempt to locate the telephone.

When you finally grabbed it, you gave it a quick glance to see it was Annie who was calling before answering it.

"It's too early An," you whined as you brushed the sleep from your eyes.

"It's 10 A.M," she replied back with a chuckle. You could faintly hear her munching on some sort of food in the background- no doubt salt-flavoured chips.

"My point exactly," you retaliated, your words muffled by the loud yawn that managed to crawl its way out of your mouth.

Mornings were never something you particularly enjoyed and Annie knew that all too well, which made you curious as to why she decided to disturb you from your much needed sleep.

Sleep that came rarely nowadays.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nope. Just wanted to call you to tell you I'll be babysitting Lyndsey later tonight. You're still on for the Doyles, aren'tcha?"

Your drowsiness immediately faded away. You had forgotten that you were to babysit Tommy, still needing to bring a pumpkin over to his house. "Yeah, I am. Why?"

"Because you could come to Lindsey's so we can tell each other scary stories while they play together."

Ignoring the scary stories part, you enthusiastically nodded your head as if she could see it. "I'd love that! I'll buy the soda and you bring the chips?"

"You know me so well," Annie drawled in that playful tone of hers. "Gotta go. Call you later, (Y/N)!"

And just as quickly as she was there, she was gone.

Today, on a rare occasion, started out to be good, and all you could do was hope that it would continue to stay that way.

After all, today was the day that all of Haddonfield's paranoia, and yours for that matter, reached its peak— October 31st, Halloween.

After your usual morning routine was over with, you clipped your hair and left the house with your bag in hand. You didn't have school until the afternoon, so you had plenty of time to buy stuff in for tonight.

It didn't take long to arrive at the convenience store. It was a small and quaint little place on the corner of few streets down, and it was always your go-to place for items and despite it lacking in size, it almost always had what you were looking for.

When you walked inside, you gave the clerk a small smile before making a beeline straight towards the shelves that were lined with various different brands of soda, Ph. D. Pepper included.

You took two of the larger bottles and carried them over to the clerk who gave you a curious look. She seemed as if she was struggling to recognize you even though she didn't seem all that familiar to you.

"Ah! You're (Y/N), right?" The clerk inquired as she scanned the soda bottles.

"Yes... Did I do something?" The fact that the clerk knew your name wasn't what surprised you most. After all, it was a store you visited quite often.

Halloween [✓] (Michael Myers X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now