Screw you, mate.

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Do you know that feeling when you realise you didn't mean anything to someone who might as well have become your whole world? Do you know that heart breaking crack that you feel when it dawns upon you, that he never thought you were beautiful, or special? That you were just one of the many he talked to, to kill time?

Yeah, well screw that feeling because he isn't worth it. There are so many people out there who have felt the same way, but with you as the main lead. You broke their heart. Maybe Karma is a bitch, and she does make you regret ever falling in love. But it's also her that brings love to you in the time you need it most because you were there for someone, and unknowingly, saved them. And with that, you should move on. From the pain, from the memories that don't let you move on and the person that once held the most significance. Because they are not worth the time, tears or effort you spend. Your heart is yours and belongs only to you. So with that, go find yourself a Calvin Klein model who will enjoy your little things.

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