Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!

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Time skip-History

History was boring as usual, and today was the day tanner acts like a dick. not that he always isn't. Elena continues to be her usual depressed self.

The battle of willow creek took place at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls, How many casualties resulted in this battle? Miss bennet?"

"umm... a lot? I'm not sure, but like a whole lot" bonnie says. Tanner grimaces.

"cute becomes dumb in an instant, miss bennet"  he calls out. Maybe he's just pissed that no ones listening. I don't blame him. Half of the class is pretty dumb, but jeez. No need to call it out.

"Mr Donovan? would you like to take this opportunity to overcome you jock stereotype?"

"it's ok Mr tanner, I'm cool with it" matt gives his usual chill comeback as tanner turns to Elena.

I snicker inwardly and the class erupts with tiny giggles and chuckles.

"Elena?, surely you could enlighten us on one of the towns most significant events?"

"I-I'm sorry I don't know" she looks confused and quiet.

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons Elena, but personal excuses ended with summer break." Tanner just crossed it.

That Dick 

MY god, it was much worse hearing it in person,

damn, sorry Stef. I'll tell him off the proper way.

I abruptly stand up, causing my chair to clank loudly as it hit Bonnie's desk.

"woah woah woah woah woah. How DARE you have the audacity to call out the death of HER parents and HER loss, especially when SHE is the one suffering you dicK. You think your so high and mighty, then maybe you should remember you work as a fucking high school teacher and not the mayor! Go fuck yourself TANNER!" I huff loudly before sitting back down

a few gasps were heard and lots of whispers saying 'damn tanner needs a funeral' 'yess Val'' you tell him girl'

"Miss Jacobson, Detention now! we DO NOT tolerate such vulgar language and behaviour in this class!" he shouted, face red from embarrassment.

Stefan sat mouth open and stunned. Bonnie was smirking to herself

"oh yeah dick, maybe I should go tell the principle about how you constantly wake up on the wrong side of bed, then decide to torment your students mentally and verbally. Also how you called most of us stupid as well as emotionally scaring my bestie!" Elena sends me a grateful smile.

And with that, tanner shut up

before I added "by the way, there were 346 casualties, unless your counting local civilians"

"correct"  tanner growled through his clenched teeth. "except of course, there were no civilian casualties" his face turning smug,

"actually there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, the fired on a church believing it to be housing weapons.  It was a time of great loss." Tanner looked down, his face heating up at Edward's comeback.

"The founders archives are stored in the civil hall,   if you would like yo brush up on you facts" Edward said , flashing me a grin.

Gasps were heard around the room along with laughing.

I reach out my fist to veggie vamp and he gives me a fist bump "damn hero hair, didn't know you had it in you!" " you gave tanner a funeral and now you are sooo my new bestie" I grin mischievously.

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