Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)

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I grumble as I stand next to bonnie and Jeremy.

"Elena's going to talk to Esther, bet you $10 that she wants a way to kill the originals, I LITERALLY can not think of 1 reason to destroy the peace we have right now."
Bonnie sighs, pursing her lips.
"Yeah, things with my mom right now, they're better, I don't want it to go south yknow?"

Jeremy Gulps in a glass of champagne and I turn to him with a raised eyebrow.
"What is a child doing here?" Jeremy huffs and I snort playfully, listening to the surrounding laughter and chatter from the well dressed guests. 

I smile to myself as I hear Rebekah and Kol talking. 

Should I set her up with matt? No, she deserves SO much better than that little rat.

I listen to their conversation, Just as another flows into my ears. 
Elena talking to Damon, the conversation goes just as it does in the cannon episode, making me furrow my eyebrows and set my champagne down on a waiter's tray as they pass by. I nod to bonnie before I head towards Finn, who stood at the side of the commotion, alongside Esther, His eyes widened in anguish.

I walk up to them with a slight smile, "Hello Ms Mikaelson, And you are Finn?"

Finn stares at me almost in disgust. Leaning over and hissing into my ear. "I will NEVER love you." 

I see Esther's eyes widen as her head snaps towards her son, and I stand there in confusion. "Umm, Okay? Anyways, Ms Mikaelson, It's nice to see you in person."

Esther turns her head to me gracefully and smiles, pulling me into a hug. "No dear, call me Esther, or mother, anything is fine. Pardon Finn, after 900 years, he doesn't even want to be around anymore. He refuses the right woman." She says, smiling at me all motherly. I quirk an eyebrow towards Finn, who stands there with a resting bitch face.

"Oh don't you worry about the right woman, I did some digging, and guess what? I believe a woman called Sage, used to be your lover? She's still alive, and very much in love with you."
Finn's eyebrows shoot up and his eyes light up as he hears her name, I see Esther's face go grim from the corner of my eyes.
I jolt as I hear Damon grunt, Elena injects vervain into his system, and I hear Stefan run over and groan as he sees the sight.

Esther too, becomes aware of the commotion and turns to me with a smile. "It seems the doppelgänger is going out of her way to meet me alone, I should go greet her as said, Please excuse me sweetheart."

I nod, watching her walk away, whilst being accompanied by Finn. I see Elijah hastily follow behind them after he flashes me an adoring smile. I give him a little wave, before walking off outside, to free myself from the social overdrive. I feel the wind tickle my nose and I let out a sneeze. I shake it off and walk along the outside of the mansion, seeing my dress sparkle magically.

They really went overboard in this dress.

I stare down at it sadly.

maybe she would've liked this . . . 

I feel my heart sting slightly, but I pay it no mind, A breath hits my neck.


I smile, turning around to face him, as he stands an inch away from me, looking down with a small smile playing at his lip.
"Hello Santa!"

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