Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus

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My head pulsed, The migraine thawing away at what was left of me. I squint, the light blinding me momentarily as my eyes adjust, The view of branches and leaves becoming clearer. The smell of grass and dirt tickled at my nose, and I sighed, sitting up, wincing at my aching body.

I looked down at myself, Groaning when I realize that I'm butt naked, I click my tongue and look around me, looking for at least a leaf, big enough to cover my privates. 
"Hello love." I shriek, hearing Klaus's voice from behind me, he's also lying on the ground Naked for the world to see. He lays on his side, his head resting on his elbow with a cheeky grin.
He chuckles, and I proceed to vamp up behind a tree. I glare at him.
"How much did you see?" Klaus looks deep in thought.

"Hmmm, not much . . . . just everything." I Gasp, Elijah throws cloths at Klaus violently before vamping to me and wrapping me in a blanket with a tender smile. I smile at him. 
"Thanks 'lijah," I grab the clothes from him, and put them on under the blanket.

Klaus turns to me after I'm changed. "Now you and I need to have a talk."
I stare at him. "about what."

He chuckles. "You can do magic, so you are a witch . . . but wait! You turned into a wolf on a full moon, So you are a werewolf. Now look at me and tell me what you really are sweetheart."

I clench my fist, Elijah steps in front of me as Klaus moves towards us. "Stay back Niklaus."

Klaus clenches his jaw, and I sigh, Rubbing Elijah's back comfortingly, before stepping forward.

"I don't know what I am . . . . . But I will tell you what I can do"

Klaus tilts his head at me, intrigued. "And what is that?"

I just stare at him expressionlessly. "Spells, turn into a werewolf and well, I drink also blood so. . . "

I feel Elijah freeze up beside me, Klaus does too, his face Expressionless as though he was deep in thought.

"Look, What I mean is, No one I know, who knows what I can do, accepts me for it. But I'm useful, and I keep my word when I say that I will help you."

Klaus,  Speaks quietly, his voice is soothing.

"Very well love."

I smirk at the both of them, slinging my jacket over my shoulder. "Well then, We have family to meet, hybrids to make, and lives to live."
Elijah grins at me, walking up to me, while Klaus comes up on the other side with an eyeroll.
"Am I not the one YOU are meant to be loyal to?"

Elijah looks at me with concern. "What is he talking about?"

I sigh and elbow Klaus. "We made a pact where I would ADVISE him, and PROTECT him from harm. NOT that I would be his servant."

Klaus snorts. "Well geeze love, no need to be so violent about it."
I snort. "Says the old man who Killed At least 7 groups of people when they were camping."

Klaus shrugs "Touché."




Third POV-

Everyone was at the boarding house, Except maybe Tyler who was back spending time with his mother after she fell down the stairs. The incident happening without her even getting pushed.

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