Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)

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People say drowning is an awful way to die.

sure when if feels like thousands of needles stabbing into you on impact,
everything after is simply peaceful.

But really, it depends on the circumstances. Because when you think about it, the rushing of water,
Bubbles dancing as they begin rising to the surface,
The muffled voices which seem like they will never hurt you again,
and the embrace of cool water cradling you, letting you slowly sink,

Its all so peaceful. 

When you finally give up, and take in a lungful of water and the pain fades away. 

The key is acceptance.

That being said, the death wasn't what hurt, it was the hard shove from behind you as you look over the edge of the boat, The smile on the face of the person you once called family beaming down on you as you fell for you're death. You know, even if you swam,  there would be no hope, no one saw me after all and the water was freezing.

it wasn't the first time I drowned, another was when my father held my bleeding body down into the water, laughing as my live slowly parted from me.

I learned something soon after

Trust can get you killed




My eyes groggily open, my breaths ragged and beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

sitting up, I reach over to my night stand chugging down a bottle of water, eyes scanning the room. with my magic I bring my phone into my hand and check my texts. Scoffing at what it read.

"so Veggie vamp finds a way to vervain blue eyes" rolling my eyes and throwing my phone aside, I stretch and get up. A strong migraine embedded into my head.

'I didn't think I would remember that life, The fucking titanic and that bitch rose, no one shows the part where she kills her sister huh, they even make a fucking movie, A ROMANCE MOVIE! like bish there were so many more stories you could have written'

"oh how I fucking hate this shit . . . . how the hell did I get so much energy to face the scooby gang?"

growling to myself I grab my hoodie and head out to my bike, deciding chug a milkshake to take away my quarter life crisis while observing the random inhabitancies of mystic falls.

Timeskip - mystic grill

sitting at the bar with my milkshake, I scroll through my phone, ignoring the figure walking up in front of me and  seating itself. soon reaching over and patting my head.

Not looking up from my phone I growl.

"listen whoever the Fuck it is, Fuck off"

hearing a huff from the person, hear them chuckle.

"how could you say that Val?" 

Oh . . . . 

rolling my eyes I look up with a smile.


author's note- sorry its short guys, but hope u like it  (^∀^●)ノシ

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