Chapter 30: Wakey wakey

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Here I was, getting ready for a dinner with Klaus and Elijah, Of course, I had to make sure to keep Stefan and Damon in check, since they were tagging along too.

A lot happened lately, The Mikaelson mansion, was refurbished with the help of Sherri and her pack, Tyler was turned into a hybrid, Mikael got out because of Damon, Klaus kills Mikael, Rebekah was daggered, and no matter how much I tried to avoid these things, and make things safer for everyone . . . . The scooby gang still wants Klaus dead, thinking he'll hurt Elena. I was hoping this dinner would fix that.
To top it off, Alaric is going nuts, even though I'm pretty sure I spelled the ring. Damon needs to stop killing him whenever he's mad. 
And guess what? Abby and bonnie are trying to open Esther's coffin. 

Of course, nothing ever goes my way, so whatever. Fuck this, Fuck life, and Fuck everyone.

Especially you Damon, FUCK YOU.

(The netting on the dress is a dark red/ or you can think of it however you want

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(The netting on the dress is a dark red/ or you can think of it however you want.)

I sigh, doing a little twirl, before walking out, Damon speeds over to me, Seemingly just finishing a glaring contest with Stefan. He grabs me by the waist, "Hello Sexy, I was thinking, MAYYYBE you should stay back?"

I grunt, turning to glare at him. "Well DAMON, if you didn't go and FUCKING AWAKEN MIKAEL, then we wouldn't be having this dinner. I will go, I will talk to them, And you both-"
I point my finger, waving it between Damon and Stefan. "-Will shut the fuck up, and comply."

Stefan sighs, vamping up to me. "Look Val, I know you're mad-"

I snap my head towards him, voice low. "Mad? MAD!? Oh no, I am much MORE than mad, You stupid motherfuckers went and STOLE his FAMILY. If he didn't have a reason to slaughter you before, He does NOW. You THEN try to plot to kill him, possibly waging a war against an Original, WHO HAS AN ARMY OF HYBRIDS. All this for what? TO PROTECT ELENA! WHEN SHE DIDN'T NEED PROTECTION"

Both of them freeze and just stare at me intently.
I sigh and massage my temples, before walking off to the car. "Whatever, lets just get this over with."





The door opens, Me, Stefan and Damon stand alongside each other, Damon has an arm around my waist.
Elijah reveals himself, but he freezes when he sees me. 
I act surprised and gasp, Before vamping up to him, and wrapping my arms around him tenderly. He tightly returns the hug, firmly wrapping his hands around my waist. I feel him kiss my neck, and look up at the Salvatores, whose facial expressions I can't tell, but I could feel their eyes burning into us.

Elijah reluctantly lets me go and smiles down at me, before glancing at the brothers.
"NIKLAUS, our guests have arrived."

He then looks back down at me. "You look magnificent."
I do a little curtsy. "Why thankyou, good sir."
Before snorting at my own wording and walking inside following after Elijah, Stefan and Damon walk up to me, Damon Whispers under his breath. "VAL! JUST WHAT WAS THAT?"

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