Chapter 20

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Hope POV

The dinner-

Bunny and I got dressed up and we told her parents to wear there finest clothing, I hired a personal chef to come cook some food. More like compelled but whatever.

Hunter is finally getting the hang of walking and I think that's good.

I got everything set up and bunny is looking so amazing in her tight black dress, which I don't think is appropriate for a dinner with her family, it's more appropriate for a dinner with me, if you know what I mean.

The door bell rings and Josie goes to answer it.

"Hey Josie, where's my grandson?" Alaric says as he hugs Josie

When they pull apart from the hug Caroline walks in.

"Hey guys, sorry we are a little late" she says

"No worries, the food isn't even done yet so let's get together and talk?" I say

"Sure, let me just take these toys I got for hunter upstairs." Caroline says

"Okay no problem." I say

"Let's go get seated buddy" Alaric says as he picked hunter up

We sat down and waited for Caroline.

"Hunter did his first spell" I say
"Really? What was it?" Alaric asked

"It was a fire spell, learned from his aunt" Josie says

"Please don't tell me he lit something on fire." Alaric said

"He did , he lit his crib on fire, but Josie was there to put it out" I say

Caroline then walked down the stairs.

"So you had news to tell us?" She says
"Well yeah." I say looking at Josie

I hope she doesn't think I'm going to tell them because I'm not.

Josie looked at me with confusion.

"What are you guys doing?" Alaric says
"Josie just tell them" I say
"How about you tell them" she says
"Because it's your parents" I say

"Just say it" Caroline says before she sat down

"I'm pregnant. Again." Josie says

"What happened to the 'never getting back with Hope. Ever'" Alaric says

"What?" Josie asked

"Before you had hunter you said and I quote 'I'm never getting back with hope. Ever.' I don't mind you and Hope dating but can we keep the baby making limited to just 2" he says

"I'm a grown ass women, I could do what I want and if I wanted to have 100 kids I will do so because I don't really need your approval, I was just being nice enough to tell you" Josie says

"Bunny, I hope you were metaphorically speaking because there is no way we are having 100 kids, that could kill you" I say

"Hope, your not helping" she says

" right. Sorry" I say

"Josie, I was just saying that maybe having too many kids isn't the solution at this age, plus I have no problem with this baby" Alaric says

"Babies" I say

"What?" Caroline says
"Babies. He said baby, but their is babies, plural" I say

"Like twins?" Alaric asked
"Yes" Josie says
"You do know, they are apart of the Gemini witch coven right? So if you give birth to them. You have no choice but to merge or they will have too" Alaric says

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