Chapter 29

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Josie POV

"Stop it!" I demanded

"He kissed you momma!" Hunter says

They linked hands and chanted, soon there was some liquid leading to Roman.

"Incendia" they said

"Stop it! Now" I yelled

"We can't, we don't know how to" liv says

"That spell pop pop taught us!" Hunter says

"We better get out of here" I say

To tell you the truth I had magic because I am a heretic but I couldn't use it, the guy at the cashier was finally coming over to check out what's going on, so I had no choice but to vamp the kids out so our faces wouldn't be seen, we tried saving him when I vamped the kids out but it was too late, when I realized he was in there and that the fire could kill him the whole roof had  blown off.

I put the kids in the car as fast as I can.

Lizzie was asleep, of course she was.

"Lizzie get your ass up!" I say

I don't usually curse in front of my kids, but it wasn't any time to waste.

"What's going on?" She asked

"I need you too take the kids home, I'll meet you there" I say

"Okay." She says before climbing over to the drivers seat

After they left, I compelled everyone that saw us.

I was able to put out the fire and I went back in there. Romans body wasn't found. He escapes death? Again?

"Shit!" I say

After making sure everything was in check I headed home.

Olivia POV

"What happened back there?" My aunt asked

"We set the store on fire" I say truthfully

"You did what?" My aunt asked

"We we're trying to protect mommy" I say

"From what?" My auntie asked

"From that guy back there, he kissed her" hunter says

"Here's my phone and call your mom (Hope)" my aunt says

"Okay" I say before taking the phone.

The phone was dialing

Hope POV

We finally arrived at marcel and Rebekah house, it was a long ride. Andrea fell asleep as soon as we got there.

"Hey hope!" My aunt bex says

"Hey aunt bex, is marcel here?" I asked

"He's inside. Where's the others?" She asked

"Well, Olivia and hunter are with Josie and I took liv here with me so she can see her godfather" I say as I pick Andrea up

"So this is the feisty twin?" My aunt bex asked

"You can say that" I say

"Let's get her inside she seems to be cold" my aunt bex said

As I put her down on my aunt's couch I got a call from Lizzie.

I answered it and liv picked her up.

"Hey liv what's up?" I asked

"Mom! I think we need you too come back" she says

"What's going on? What happened?" I say

"Me and hunter may have did something really bad"

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