Reporting for duty!

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Gail ran as fast as she could to get to the bus in time, she ran all the way to the stop.


"yeah, yeah give me a sec!" just then Gail rummages trough her bag as she grabs the ticket that her brother put in a safe spot for her, but just as she was handing it over a cyborg pushes past her.

"Oh! mighty sorry lass! dint mean a push past ya'" his speaking patterns reminded her of her brother.

"Your fine sir! No worries!" said Gail sweetly


"Ah well yer see my wife got me a ticket and they have it inside, i could go get it for ya'?"

The ticket man raised his eyebrow, "fine, go get it an be quick about it."

The man gives a quick nod and goes in, Gail watches the man as he talks to a woman and a kid as she hands over her ticket, "gee G, you need to be a bit more trusting."

the man comes back ticket in hand, as the ticketer scans the ticket and finds the ticket under the name "Mary Jonson"

"Mary?" the ticketer asks raising his brow.

"me wife's name" the man then turns around and waves at the woman from before.

"fine head on in," the ticketer says with a sigh. he definitely doesn't get paid enough to stop the suspicious man.

Gail hands over her ticket and everything goes on without a hitch, soon the bus is up in the air on its way to the space port.

--25 hours later--

the girl awoke with a jolt as the bus came to a halt. as she opened her eyes she instantly knew she was at the space port. Gail steps off the bus in amazement at the huge ships, but mostly all of the people, she had no idea there was so much happening so close to her small planet. Gail had joy and excitement filling her veins,

"oi! lass!"

Gail turned to find the cyborg standing in the door of the ship, she was still very weary if him so she pushed her bag behind her back. Gail always knew how to put a smile on and pretend like everything and everyone were okay

"Oh sir, hello again! Have a nice trip?"

"oh... Yes thanks for asking, but i really wanted to say somethin' to ya" said the man in reply, seeming surprised she was so kind in asking

"alright whats up?"

"you are gonna pretend you aint seen nothin' ya hear, my business is my business." said the man leaning in so close that the girl could every wrinkle and line in his face.

"so? what if i did see somethin?" the girl said challengingly

"if ya did, then you best forget it real quick, or I'm gonna help ya" the man said threateningly

"you don't want to threaten me..."

"i'll do whatever you please."

*tch* the girl said rolling her eyes and starting to walk away, "I've got somewhere to be jackass"

"Just stay out of me way kid."

Gail walked away clearly annoyed. "what was his issue! I didn't even see anything wrong!? unless, that woman wasn't his wife, and that ticket was just the woman's! he snuck onto that bus!!"

she shook the thought away from her head, she had more important things to think about than a cyborg on a space port, she ran over to the address written down on her hand 

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